General Category > ParamQuery Pro Evaluation Support
Failed to call the method when initializing the instance using pqgrid in Vue3
I followed the documentation to write the code, but calling the refresh method shows "undefined"(
--- Code: --- <div id="grid_json3" ref="gridContainer"></div>
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---grid.value.refreshCM()
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---onMounted(() => { if (gridContainer.value) {
const $gridContainer = $(gridContainer.value)
if (pq && pq.grid) {
pq.grid($gridContainer, options)
nextTick(() => {
grid.value = $gridContainer.pqGrid('instance')
--- End code ---
Any advice or pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Best regards
looks like you are getting grid instance in asynchronous call, calling refresh method before that would throw an error.
you can get the grid instance directly from pq.grid($gridContainer, options)
--- Code: ---var gridInstance = pq.grid($gridContainer, options)
--- End code ---
Yes, I am obtaining the grid instance after an asynchronous call. Even after following your suggestions, I still cannot access the refresh method. This is the result printed in my console.
--- Code: --- let gridInstance = pq.grid($(gridContainer.value), options)
console.error(gridInstance, gridInstance.refreshCM(), 'gridInstance.refreshCM()getccccc')
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---$bottom: jQuery.fn.init {0: div.pq-grid-bottom, length: 1, prevObject: j?y.fn.init}
$cont: jQuery.fn.init {0: div.pq-body-outer, length: 1, prevObject: j?y.fn.init}
$focusMgr: jQuery.fn.init {0: div.pq-focus-mgr, 1: div.pq-focus-mgr, length: 2, prevObject: j?y.fn.init}
$focusMgrHead: jQuery.fn.init {0: div.pq-focus-mgr, 1: div.pq-focus-mgr, length: 2, prevObject: j?y.fn.init}
$footer: jQuery.fn.init {0: div.pq-grid-footer.pq-pager, length: 1, prevObject: j?y.fn.init}
$grid_center: jQuery.fn.init {0: div.pq-grid-center, length: 1, prevObject: j?y.fn.init}
$head_i: jQuery.fn.init {0: div.pq-grid-cont.ui-draggable.ui-draggable-handle, length: 1, prevObject: j?y.fn.init}
$header: jQuery.fn.init {0: div.pq-header-outer.ui-widget-header, length: 1, prevObject: j?y.fn.init}
$loading: jQuery.fn.init {0: div.pq-loading, length: 1, prevObject: j?y.fn.init}
$summary: jQuery.fn.init {0: div.pq-summary-outer, length: 1, prevObject: j?y.fn.init}
$tbl: null
$title: jQuery.fn.init {0: div.pq-grid-title, length: 1, prevObject: j?y.fn.init}
$toolPanel: jQuery.fn.init {0: div.pq-tool-panel, length: 1, prevObject: j?y.fn.init}
$top: jQuery.fn.init {0: div.pq-grid-top.ui-widget-header, length: 1, prevObject: j?y.fn.init}
BS_on: false
Context: ? ()
Formulas: ? ()
HeaderMenu: ? ()
Merge: ? ()
Pic: ? ()
RowResize: ? ()
Tab: ? ()
bindings: jQuery.fn.init {0: div#grid_json3.pq-grid.pq-theme.ui-widget.ui-widget-content.pq-disable-select, length: 1, prevObject: j?y.fn.init}
classesElementLookup: {}
colIndxs: {ColorCode: 0, ColorName: 1, ENGName: 2, RGB: 3, PantoneCode: 4, ?}
colModel: (14) [Proxy(Object), Proxy(Object), Proxy(Object), Proxy(Object), Proxy(Object), Proxy(Object), Proxy(Object), Proxy(Object), Proxy(Object), Proxy(Object), Proxy(Object), Proxy(Object), Proxy(Object), Proxy(Object)]
columns: {ColorCode: Proxy(Object), ColorName: Proxy(Object), ENGName: Proxy(Object), RGB: Proxy(Object), PantoneCode: Proxy(Object), ?}
depth: 1
dims: {htCenter: 739, htHead: 56, htSum: 0, htBody: 0, wdCenter: 871, ?}
document: jQuery.fn.init {0: document, length: 1}
element: jQuery.fn.init {0: div#grid_json3.pq-grid.pq-theme.ui-widget.ui-widget-content.pq-disable-select, length: 1}
eventNamespace: ".pqGrid0"
focusable: jQuery.fn.init {}
headerCells: [Array(14)]
hoverable: jQuery.fn.init {}
iAnim: t.cAnim {model: {?}, grid: $.<?>.<computed>, nodes: Array(0)}
iAnimH: t.cAnimH {model: {?}, grid: $.<?>.<computed>, rtl: 'left', nodes: Array(0)}
iCheckBox: {}
iCols: c.cColModel {that: $.<?>.<computed>, vciArr: Array(14), ciArr: Array(14)}
iContext: t.cContext {model: {?}, that: $.<?>.<computed>, ns: '.pq-cmenu', rtl: false}
iDrag: t.cDrag {rtl: false}
iDragColumns: t.<computed> {that: $.<?>.<computed>, rtl: false, status: 'stop', $arrowTop: j?y.fn.init, $arrowBottom: j?y.fn.init}
iDrop: t.cDrop {model: {?}}
iFillHandle: t.<computed> {that: $.<?>.<computed>, rtl: false}
iFilterData: v {that: $.<?>.<computed>}
iFormulas: e.cFormulas {that: $.<?>.<computed>, fn: {?}, tabNames: {?}, obj: {?}}
iGroup: t.cGroup {Model: {?}, cbId: 'pq_group_cb', childstr: 'children', id: 'pq_gid', parentId: 'parentId', ?}
iHeaderMenu: i {that: $.<?>.<computed>, rtl: false}
iHistory: t.cHistory {that: $.<?>.<computed>, options: {?}, records: Array(0), counter: 0, id: 0}
iImport: E.cImport {that: $.<?>.<computed>}
iKeyNav: N.paramquery.cKeyNav {that: $.<?>.<computed>}
iMerge: t {that: $.<?>.<computed>, mc: Array(0), mc2: Array(0)}
iMouseSelection: e {that: $.<?>.<computed>}
iPic: w.paramquery.cPic {rtl: false, id: 0, left: 'left', pics: Array(0), that: $.<?>.<computed>}
iProxy: e.cProxy {that: $.<?>.<computed>}
iRefresh: b.paramquery.cRefresh {vrows: Array(0), that: $.<?>.<computed>, _autoResizeTimeout: 64}
iRenderB: pq.<computed> {uuid: 0, $ele: j?y.fn.init, $sum: j?y.fn.init, $h: j?y.fn.init, that: $.<?>.<computed>, ?}
iRenderHead: pq.<computed> {uuid: 0, that: $.<?>.<computed>, iMerge: t, $ele: j?y.fn.init, height: 'flex', ?}
iRenderSum: pq.cRenderSum {uuid: 0, that: $.<?>.<computed>, rtl: 'left', rowStyle: Array(0), iMerge: {?}, ?}
iResizeColumns: t.<computed> {that: $.<?>.<computed>, rtl: 'left'}
iRowResize: h.paramquery.cRowResize {that: $.<?>.<computed>, ht: 8}
iRows: t {that: $.<?>.<computed>, options: {?}, selection: Array(0), hclass: ' pq-state-select ui-state-highlight'}
iSelection: pq.Selection {_areas: Array(0), that: $.<?>.<computed>, iCells: t, _type: 'range'}
iSort: t.cSort {that: $.<?>.<computed>, sorters: Array(0), tmpPrefix: 'pq_tmp_', cancel: false}
iTab: t.cTab {that: $.<?>.<computed>}
iToolPanel: n.cToolPanel {that: $.<?>.<computed>, panes: Array(0), clsSort: 'pq-sortable', $ele: j?y.fn.init}
iTree: t.cTree {Model: {?}, that: $.<?>.<computed>, fns: {?}, dataIndx: undefined, cbId: 'pq_tree_cb', ?}
iUCData: t.cUCData {that: $.<?>.<computed>, udata: Array(0), ddata: Array(0), adata: Array(0), options: {?}}
iValid: t.cValid {that: $.<?>.<computed>}
listeners: {keyDown: Array(2), dataAvailable: Array(5), CMInit: Array(3), dataReadyDone: Array(3), colMove: Array(2), ?}
options: {classes: {?}, disabled: false, create: null, cancel: 'input,textarea,button,select,option,.pq-no-capture,.ui-resizable-handle', distance: 1, ?}
origOptions: {colModel: Proxy(Array), locale: 'en', width: '100%', height: '100%', showTitle: false, ?}
pageI: $.<computed>.<computed> {element: j?y.fn.init, uuid: 7, eventNamespace: '.pqPager7', bindings: j?y.fn.init, hoverable: j?y.fn.init, ?}
pdata: (20) [{?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}]
riOffset: 0
started: false
tables: []
uuid: 0
validations: {}
window: jQuery.fn.init {0: Window, length: 1}
xhr: {readyState: 4, getResponseHeader: ?, getAllResponseHeaders: ?, setRequestHeader: ?, overrideMimeType: ?, ?}
_mergeCells: false
_parent2: section
_queueATriggers: {}
_super: undefined
_superApply: undefined
_toolbar: $.<computed>.<computed> {element: j?y.fn.init, uuid: 3, eventNamespace: '.pqToolbar3', bindings: j?y.fn.init, hoverable: j?y.fn.init, ?}
[[Prototype]]: $.<computed>.<computed>
--- End code ---
I'm not sure what you mean by cannot access the refresh method.
Could you share a stackblitz.
--- Code: ---var pq= pq.grid($gridContainer, {})
--- End code ---
I have successfully made it work through this method.Thanks for your help.
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