following is my json array.
"ID": 1033,
"DeviceName": "353722052579226",
"ImeiNumber": "353722052579226",
"MobileNumber": "353722052579226",
"TruckNumber": "353722052579226",
"mLatitude": 00.8003275,
"mLongitude": 00.0083328,
"mtime": 1523289146780,
"Locality": "Sector 13",
"District": "ঢাকা"
following my js code.
var colModel = [
title: "ID", //title of column.
// width: 10, //initial width of column
//width: "100",
dataType: "integer", //data type of column
dataIndx: "ID" //should match one of the keys in row data.
, hidden: true
title: "Name",
dataType: "string",
width: "30%",
align: "center",
dataIndx: "DeviceName"
, hidden: false
title: "ImeiNumber",
//width: 150,
dataType: "string",
align: "center",
dataIndx: "ImeiNumber"
, hidden: true
title: "Truck",
width: "30%",
dataType: "string",
align: "center",
dataIndx: "TruckNumber",
hidden: true
title: "Mobile",
//width: 150,
dataType: "string",
align: "center",
dataIndx: "MobileNumber",
hidden: true
title: "mLatitude", //title of column.
//width: 100, //initial width of column
dataType: "string", //data type of column
dataIndx: "mLatitude" //should match one of the keys in row data.
, hidden: true
title: "mLongitude",
//width: 100,
dataType: "string",
dataIndx: "mLongitude"
, hidden: true
title: "mtime",
//width: 100,
dataType: "string",
align: "right",
dataIndx: "mtime"
, hidden: true
title: "Locality",
//width: 150,
//dataType: "string",
align: "center",
dataIndx: "Locality",
filter: {
type: "select",
condition: 'equal',
prepend: { '': '--Select--' },
valueIndx: "Locality",
labelIndx: "Locality",
listeners: ['change']
title: "District",
//width: 150,
dataType: "string",
align: "center",
dataIndx: "District",
filter: {
type: 'select',
condition: 'equal',
valueIndx: "District",
labelIndx: "District",
groupIndx: "District",
prepend: { '': '' },
//listeners: 'change',
init: function (ui) {
// ui.$editor.pqSelect({ checkbox: true, radio: true, width: '100%' });
var obj22 = {
height: 600,
editable: false,
collapsible: { on: true, collapsed: false },
scrollModel: { autoFit: true },
numberCell: { show: false },
colModel: colModel,
load: function () {
var grid = this;
var filter = grid.getColumn({ dataIndx: "Locality" }).filter;
filter.cache = null;
filter.options = grid.getData({ dataIndx: ["Locality"] });
filter = grid.getColumn({ dataIndx: "District" }).filter;
filter.cache = null;
filter.options = grid.getData({ dataIndx: ["District", "District"] });
dataModel: { data: data },
filterModel: { on: true, mode: "AND", header: true },
selectionModel: { type: 'cell', mode: 'block' },
cellClick: function (evt, ui) {
selectChange: function (evt, ui) {
var address = ui.selection.address();
var grid = pq.grid("#grid_json", obj22);
var filter = grid.getColumn({ dataIndx: "District" }).filter;
$.extend(filter, {
attr: "multiple",
condition: "range",
prepend: { '': '[ Empty ]' },
value: [],
cache: null
grid.filter({ oper: 'add', rules: [] });

i want achieve row filter. i followed it is not working. am i missing something. please help.