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Topics - cpopolo

Pages: [1]

I would like to combine two aspects of existing examples:

So my question is, what are the general methods I should use to have a show/hide detail row under any existing detail row in the treeview?  In the treeview example, imagine a + or - sign to show/hide additional details under row 5 or 6.  In other words, at the "detail" level of the treeview, I would like to show additional details as an option.  The additional details should span across the entire with of the paramquery grid.  It might, for example, contain a PDF viewer of an actual bill related to the detail data of the row.

I'm pretty comfortable with the individual examples, I'm just not sure how or where to combine the different elements that would allow for one functionality (additional details) inside of the other (a treeview hierarchy which has details at the lowest level).

Thanks in advance.

P.S. - My profile is "Pro" but I was unable to post this in the Pro area because of an error reported by the forum script.  Can you check my account?

Help for ParamQuery Pro / grid.Checkbox('name') not working
« on: March 03, 2020, 01:05:53 am »
I have an example straight from the documentation but cannot make it work.  The goal is to uncheck all checkboxes before letting the user check a new checkbox.  This is to insure only one row is selected before a chart is drawn.

Code: [Select]
var thegrid = pq.grid("#pq-tvnavigator-imain", pqobj);

Then, in the pqobj.beforeCheck I have the following function:

Code: [Select]
        beforeCheck: function (event,ui) {
            console.log('the beforeCheck');
            var Checkbox = thegrid.Checkbox('pq_tree_cb');

This event causes a console error:

buda-interval-pqgrid.js:211 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'unCheckAll' of undefined

I just downloaded version 7.1.0 of Paramquery Pro...

Please help!


Virtualization in the data grid is mostly a headache when a grid only has a few dozen or hundred rows - I would much rather that all rows are available for classing so that they hold their class after the row scrolls out of the viewport.  Similarly, I would like to class rows that may not yet be rendered and may scroll into view by user action.  Is there a way to turn off paging/virtualization and simply have all data available at all times?

Here's an example that illustrates my problem - and I'm open to a suggestion on how to make it work if virtualization cannot be turned off:

  • User may click a bar on the bar chart.  The corresponding row in the grid is classed with 'selected' and shows with an orange month/year
  • If the user scrolls up or down so that the selected row leaves the viewport, the class on the selected row is lost and the month/year is no longer orange if the user scrolls that row back into view.

Similarly, the user might select a bar in the chart that is not currently in the viewport.  I would like to add the 'selected' class to any DIV with the correct selector even if the DIV doesn't yet exist in the viewport.  jQuery handles this when the On Click events are set up properly, but I cannot seem to do the same thing in PQ.  If I create a list with getCellsByClass, only those in the current viewport are returned for example.  The list will not include future elements created with the same class...

Thanks in advance for your advice.

Hi, I'm evaluating Pro and trying to integrate certain jQuery methods into a Tree grid.

I have the following 'check' event function:
Code: [Select]
check: function( event, ui ) {
                    //this.addClass({rowIndx: ui.rowIndx,cls: 'selected'});

The "donavchecks()" call looks like this.  You'll have to trust that I have classed grid elements appropriately, and in fact if I call "donavchecks()" at the console prompt it works fine...

Code: [Select]
function donavchecks() {
   var q = thetreenav.getCheckedNodes();
   $.each(q, function(qi,qd) {
      $('span.trspan' + qd.meter).addClass('selected');

So it seems to me that the "cls" definitions of the grid might be overwriting any classes that I assign in the check event.  How do I operate on the grid after it is completely quiet after a check event?

Thanks in advance.

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