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Messages - EPM Solutions

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 13
Hi Team,

Can you please provide an example that how can we import data of Excel to grid without changing its column title (because normal import column is changing A, B, C like Excel)?

I want to import/add the data of below excel under the data of grid (do not replace the old data ) shown in below images.

Hi Team,

As required, I asking one valid question related to environment set up of param query grid using reactjs .

I already set up environment of param query using reactjs with local server then it is working fine. As required similarly how can set up

environment of param query grid using reactjs with share point web part to show param query app in share point page.


Help for ParamQuery Pro / Sort Inside Group
« on: September 07, 2020, 04:29:22 pm »
Hello Team,

Please check attached image and give me solution to sort grouping.

Let me know if you need more information.

Result should be: aaa,AA,Cooper

Hello Team,

Can you please help us that how can we make a grid fully responsive?

Below we are giving a URL of an example grid-

Problem URL:

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: Inline edit with dropwdown values
« on: July 09, 2020, 08:35:06 am »

Please add this editor object in your column and it will work for you

editor: {
               type: "select",

Your updated snippet code-

{ title: "CSSP Accepted", editable:true, width: "8%", align: "center", dataIndx: "CSSPaccepted", dataType: "string",editor: { type: "select", options:['Yes','No'] }, filter: { crules: ruleR } },

Hello team,

We want to Change the grouping as per the values in drop-down.

We need same functionality in group title as its is working in CO# column.

Suppose if we are selecting CO#2 in place of CO#1 as shown in previous image then items in CO#2 Group title become two as showing in below image.
Please if possible update the below plunkr URl with solution.

plunkr URL:

Hello Team,

We want to add a drop down (choice) in cell of group column as we are adding in a cell of normal param query grid.

Our requirement is to add a drop down as CO# column in the cell of group column as shown in image.

Can you please help us to add it?

We created an problem plunkr here.

Problem plnkr URL:

Hello Team,

On right click of Cost Code in Group cell( highlighted/Image1) an popup,a dropdown of company is opening with companies not available in current cost code.

 After selecting a Company and clicking on Ok (Image2). The pop-up is closing and adding a row as required (Image3).

 But It is not adding the values of Company,Cost Code,Portfolio and other columns in new row and added row is not editable. That is a problem.

Kindly help me to add the editable row with company name and other numerical values as zero in selected group(right clicked).

The below code is running preferably in as local file on browser. Use the below Plukr and run it locally to reproduce error.

Problem URL:

Hello Team.

Thanks a lot. :)

Hello Team,


I have one problem, I applied the your suggested css code in a grid with bootstrap theme in below URL.

It is not working. Can you please check it?

Problem URL:

Hello Team,

Thanks for quick reply,

Yes I need the same. But when we checked a node, sets background-color to light red or purple of Company Name(chhild node). Checking another row causes previous row to be set unchecked(set default background).

Our requirement is to add an checkbox in front of last child of group tree as shown in image2 below.

Checkbox should be single selectable at time and on checked its cell background-color should get change in any other color.

Please give some example of it.

Problem url:

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: Tree grid as filter for Grid
« on: March 12, 2020, 09:59:44 am »
Hi Support,

I have added the missing attachment.

Actualy, We need a filter like in below URL with similar feature, Is it possible to implement it with paramquery pqselect library ?

If yes Please share a snippet asap.


Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: Tree grid as filter for Grid
« on: March 11, 2020, 10:52:44 pm »
Hi Support,

We have three column/dataindx in grid ex. Country, State, City in grouping and other.

we need to create a mutiselect filter in which data of Country, State and City as tree structure (or grouping) with collapsible feature (similar as below URL).

When we select a Country or State or City, we need to filter/exclude the data by the City column/dataIndx of grid for selected cities.

How can we create such multi-select tree filter similar(in data) to grid given in below URL using pq Select library of paramquery?

Please provide snippet for it.

tree grid URL:

Hello Team,


Thank you for your quick response.

And check the below case and please update on same

Case URL:

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