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Messages - paramvir

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 423
1) There are checkNodes and unCheckNodes methods but no toggle function. Checked rows can be found out by checking chk property of rows.

if( rowData.chk ) //checked rows.

you can pass rows to be checked to checkNodes and rows to be unchecked to unCheckNodes

2) You can use either getCheckedNodes() method of Checkbox object or check chk property of individual rows to get list of checked rows.

Please use dataIndx of the Checkbox column instead of "selected". and pass matchingRows  instead of matchingIndices

Code: [Select]
grid.Checkbox( "FASActivity" ).checkNodes( matchingRows );

If your only goal is to set default values for newly added rows, then rowTemplate is the right fit.

beforeValidate and change are universal events which fire irrespective of the origin.

ui.addList length can be checked in the event listener for newly added rows.

I guess you mean by title displayed on top of the grid.

Code: [Select]
grid.option('title', "new title");

It can be done with checkNodes method of Checkbox object:

IN button click event: find the rows from pqgrid matching your criteria: var nodes = grid.pageData().filter(...)

and pass it to grid.Checkbox( dataIndx ).checkNodes ( nodes );


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Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: Inheritance for cVirtual
« on: January 14, 2025, 12:47:11 pm »
Glad to help however customization of ParamQuery internals is outside the scope of support.

cVirtual works as mixin object for other objects, hence overriding its methods doesn't work.

Currently the cell or a range reference has to be entered in a formula manually.

Your suggestion to fetch the reference automatically upon click on a cell / range is great and would be considered for addition in upcoming versions.


I'm not sure what you mean by cannot access the refresh method.

Could you share a stackblitz.

Bug Report / Re: Another bug for hidden grids (with fix)
« on: January 06, 2025, 10:24:56 pm »
Data can be loaded in a hidden pqgrid and refresh can be safely called on it.

It would be great if you can share a jsfiddle or test case.

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: About using saveState and loadState
« on: January 06, 2025, 01:48:37 pm »
This example shows how to save and load state ( pageModel, filterModel, sortModel, colModel, etc ) from localStorage

You can test it by making some changes and reloading the page.

looks like you are getting grid instance in asynchronous call, calling refresh method before that would throw an error.

you can get the grid instance directly from pq.grid($gridContainer, options)

Code: [Select]
var gridInstance = pq.grid($gridContainer, options)

That's column.title of the filter grid, so use the column.filter.selectGridObj property to update it.

Code: [Select]
selectGridObj: function (ui) {
ui.obj.colModel[0].title = "Hello World";

More about use of selectGridObj is documented here:

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 423