ParamQuery grid support forum

General Category => News => Topic started by: paramvir on October 26, 2017, 09:39:53 am

Title: Roadmap of ParamQuery
Post by: paramvir on October 26, 2017, 09:39:53 am
Dear members

Thanks for your continued support and feedback, without which pqgrid wouldn't have been possible.

We have added lot of useful features in paramquery tool till date, yet there is more to be done keeping in view the fast evolution of javascript ecosystem and ever increasing number of js frameworks.

Here is our revised roadmap for immediate upcoming releases.


Add SidePanel with retractable toolpanels for columns, filters and conditional formatting. ( partially complete, currently on hold )

Add UI and API for spreadsheet compatible conditional formatting. ( in progress )

Improve accessibility and keyboard navigation. ( in progress )

Add integrated support for interactive charts ( in progress )

Save order of grouped columns

Make inline editor prettier like Google sheets. ( Part complete and released )

Conditional drag & drop of columns, make the grid scroll while drag of columns

Import / Export of dropdown lists to / from Excel

Exploit inbuilt collapsible grouped rows interface of Excel

Add ability to enforce dataType of cell values while export to Excel

Embed images in cells and exportable to spreadsheet

Cascading checkboxes in non grouping column in treegrid.

Highlight text support ( search instead of filtering ) with filter rules.

And the features listed in "Suggest new features" board. If you feel pressing need for a new feature in pqgrid, please don't hesitate to post it in "Suggest new features" board, we would do our best to provide that feature.

Complete and released features:


1. Add virtual rendering

2. Select All checkbox should select only the filtered options


1. Animations while sorting, filtering, expand/collapse rows/ groups, autoRow height, collapse column groups, show hide columns/ rows, flex columns

2. pqgrid interface for Angular 2+, React js and Vuejs

3. Drag drop rows ( sortable in same grid ), in between different grids, in between grid and external components or plain divs. Support for plain grid, treegrid and grid with grouped rows

4. smooth scrolling ( with virtual rendering ) and native swipe support in touch devices

5. Pivot tables with running column totals

6. Context menu in Header bar and body of grid to easy access the functionality of merge cells, add/remove new rows/columns, cell formatting, styles and filtering. ( complete for filter and show hide columns )

7. RTL support.

8. Range based row selections from number cells.
9. Separate mode of spreadsheet like filtering:  hide filtered out rows instead of taking them out of ( complete and released, but need to extend support for cascade filtering )

10. While Import/ Export and editing of spreadsheets: extend support to more styles
  a) borders
  b) comments
  c) embed images / pictures

11. Add API and UI via buttons, dropdowns in toolbar to easily manipulate the spreadsheet styles based on selected range of cells.

12. Save and load state of open / closed nodes in grouping rows.

13. Save and load state of open / closed nodes in treegrid.

14. Import csv file. (v7.4.0)

15. Make rows height resizable similar to Excel. (v7.4.0)

16. a) Add tabbed interface to display multiple worksheets within a single grid. (v8.1.0)

    b) Add support for cross reference formulas in multiple worksheets . (v8.1.0)

17. Add configurable ability to skip hidden columns while copy / paste. (v8.0.1)

18. Import/ Export of HYPERLINK formula and links to / from Excel ( v9.0.0 )

19. Extend support of column.copy property to grouped columns ( v9.0.0 )

20. Export to pdf ( v9.0.0 )

21. Hierarchy lines ( v9.1.0 )

22. Replace existing numbers and jQueryUI date formatting with Excel like numbers, currency, scientific, datetime and locale sensitive formatting

On hold features:

1. Google Material design: Most of the specifications are already in place.

2. Support for jsZip > 2.5.0. On hold because it would cause breaking changes.

Best Regards
The ParamQuery Team
Title: Re: Updated roadmap of ParamQuery
Post by: ivanfeng on October 20, 2018, 03:38:24 pm
Dear ParamQuery Team,

When will the interface for Vuejs be released?
Title: Re: Updated roadmap of ParamQuery
Post by: palanifm on February 23, 2019, 02:42:54 am
Dear Paramquery team,

The fore-mentioned ETA date of Feb. 15, 2019 to support React.js has passed.  Is the support still on current roadmap and what will be the ETA?
Title: Re: Updated roadmap of ParamQuery
Post by: paramvir on February 23, 2019, 04:59:38 pm
React and Vue support development is almost complete, only Angular is taking longer. May be React and Vue would be released before Angular.

ETA is March 2019 now.
Title: Re: Updated roadmap of ParamQuery
Post by: ivanfeng on March 03, 2019, 06:39:27 pm
Dear Paramquery team,

Waiting for the support of Vue. Any good news?
Title: Re: Updated roadmap of ParamQuery
Post by: paramvir on March 04, 2019, 06:21:37 pm
Vue support release is planned for this month.
Title: Re: Updated roadmap of ParamQuery
Post by: paramvir on April 01, 2019, 08:54:37 am
Following are the revised timelines for availability of Vue, React and Angular support for pqgrid.

April, 2019

Vue: 1st week
React: 2nd week
Angular: 3rd week
Title: Re: Upgrade to Pro Version 6.0.0
Post by: on April 18, 2019, 01:22:10 am
any news about Angular?
Title: Re: Updated roadmap of ParamQuery
Post by: paramvir on April 18, 2019, 06:40:43 pm
Coming soon..
Title: Re: Updated roadmap of ParamQuery
Post by: on May 02, 2019, 01:38:40 am
It is now May, and been waiting since February. Is there a new ETA for Angular2+ ?
Title: Re: Updated roadmap of ParamQuery
Post by: paramvir on May 06, 2019, 01:25:51 pm
Please use these Angular demos as starting point.
Title: Re: Updated roadmap of ParamQuery
Post by: Jordi Gras on May 06, 2019, 08:04:26 pm
Thanks !!! and React ? how can install the react package?
Title: Re: Updated roadmap of ParamQuery
Post by: paramvir on May 06, 2019, 10:08:52 pm
pqgrid can be installed through npm by

Code: [Select]
npm i pqgrid

and its usage with React is shown in these demos.
Title: Re: Updated roadmap of ParamQuery
Post by: fuljoyment on December 03, 2019, 09:54:42 am
Dear Admin,

Is there any update about exporting the Images(in csv/excel/.. formats).

1. While Import/ Export and editing of spreadsheets: extend support to more styles
  a) borders,
  b) comments ( improve it ),
  c) images

Title: Re: Updated roadmap of ParamQuery
Post by: paramvir on December 13, 2019, 11:28:35 am
Thanks for the enquiry.

It would be released by this month.
Title: Re: Updated roadmap of ParamQuery
Post by: fuljoyment on December 13, 2019, 04:34:56 pm
Oh..! That's really sounds good.

Because we have a requirement to export images along with the data in our project. 

Thank you,
Title: Re: Updated roadmap of ParamQuery
Post by: paramvir on May 04, 2020, 08:58:02 am
Import / export of images is supported since v7.2
Title: Re: Roadmap of ParamQuery
Post by: omerix on May 22, 2024, 06:23:42 pm
I have been using ParamQuery for a long time and present the features on this page to the user as a pop-up modal on all my grid screens.

I save the user's column sorting, widths, grid properties, and pagination changes to localStorage.

At startup, I load it from localStorage with the following code. I think it can be presented as a "settings button" as a standard, similar to a "collapsible button".

I am currently working on enabling the ability to save and select multiple localStorage records.

Just a suggestion.

create code
Code: [Select]
var filterModel = state.filterModel || {};
this.option('filterModel.header', filterModel.header);
this.option('filterModel.on', filterModel.on);
this.option('filterModel.menuIcon', filterModel.menuIcon);
this.option('filterModel.gridOptions', filterModel.gridOptions);
this.option('filterModel.timeout', filterModel.timeout);
this.option('filterModel.type', filterModel.type);

var pageModel = state.pageModel || {};
this.option('pageModel.rPP', pageModel.rPP);
this.option('menuIcon', state.menuIcon);
this.option('columnBorders', state.columnBorders);
this.option('rowBorders', state.rowBorders);
this.option('numberCell', state.numberCell);

this.loadState({state:state,refresh: true });

Title: Re: Roadmap of ParamQuery
Post by: omerix on October 10, 2024, 02:12:34 pm
Hello, is there a roadmap for Paramquery Grid for 2024 and 2025?