ParamQuery grid support forum
General Category => Help for ParamQuery Pro => Topic started by: arbyter on September 30, 2021, 08:14:19 pm
i try to implement group_row_hidden in my projects. But i encounter strange results.. i am sure, to make some mistake, but after severel days of trying i am going to ask you.
As an approach, i set up a minimalistic example based on , and the result is similar to what i get in my project.
I altered this example with the grouping stuff like so: (paste it and start it, you will see what i mean)
$(function () {
function hideCol(col, hide){
col.hidden = hide;
col.menuInDisable = hide;
var data = [
{ rank: 1, company: 'Exxon Mobil', revenues: 339938.0, profits: 36130.0 },
{ rank: 1, company: 'Wal-Mart Stores', revenues: 315654.0, profits: 11231.0 },
{ rank: 1, company: 'Royal Dutch Shell', revenues: 306731.0, profits: 25311.0 },
{ rank: 2, company: 'BP', revenues: 267600.0, profits: 22341.0 },
{ rank: 2, company: 'General Motors', revenues: 192604.0, profits: -10567.0 },
{ rank: 2, company: 'Chevron', revenues: 189481.0, profits: 14099.0 },
{ rank: 2, company: 'DaimlerChrysler', revenues: 186106.3, profits: 3536.3 },
{ rank: 2, company: 'Toyota Motor', revenues: 185805.0, profits: 12119.6 },
{ rank: 3, company: 'Ford Motor', revenues: 177210.0, profits: 2024.0 },
{ rank: 10, company: 'ConocoPhillips', revenues: 166683.0, profits: 13529.0 },
{ rank: 11, company: 'General Electric', revenues: 157153.0, profits: 16353.0 },
{ rank: 12, company: 'Total', revenues: 152360.7, profits: 15250.0 },
{ rank: 13, company: 'ING Group', revenues: 138235.3, profits: 8958.9 },
{ rank: 14, company: 'Citigroup', revenues: 131045.0, profits: 24589.0 },
{ rank: 15, company: 'AXA', revenues: 129839.2, profits: 5186.5 },
{ rank: 16, company: 'Allianz', revenues: 121406.0, profits: 5442.4 },
{ rank: 17, company: 'Volkswagen', revenues: 118376.6, profits: 1391.7 },
{ rank: 18, company: 'Fortis', revenues: 112351.4, profits: 4896.3 },
{ rank: 19, company: 'Crédit Agricole', revenues: 110764.6, profits: 7434.3 },
{ rank: 20, company: 'American Intl. Group', revenues: 108905.0, profits: 10477.0 }
var groupModel = {
on: true,
headerMenu: false,
indent: 20,
dataIndx: ['rank'],
//summaryInTitleRow: '',
//titleIndx: 'grp',
titleInFirstCol: true,
showSummary: [false], //to display summary at end of every group.
collapsed: [true],
summaryEdit: false
var obj = {
width: "80%",
height: 400,
resizable: true,
title: "Grid From JSON",
showBottom: false,
scrollModel: { autoFit: true },
dataModel: { data: data },
groupChange: function () {
//make a copy of array.
var di_old = Object.assign([], groupModel.dataIndx);
return function () {
//make a copy of array.
var di_new = Object.assign([], this.option('groupModel.dataIndx')),
grid = this;
//show prev columns.
var col = grid.getColumn({dataIndx: di});
hideCol(col, false);
//hide new columns.
var col = grid.getColumn({dataIndx: di});
hideCol(col, true);
di_old = di_new;
create: function(){
hideCol( this.getColumn({dataIndx: di}), true);
}, this);
today i found out: after the first start, grouping behaves strange, but if you delete the group butten (rank) and drag it again to the grouping section, then grouping behaves like expected.
Thanks for reporting issue, it can be resolved by using render event instead of create event.