ParamQuery grid support forum

General Category => Bug Report => Topic started by: LIXIL on October 25, 2022, 06:14:18 am

Title: String starts with "<" + alphabet character will be disappeared in Ver 8.x
Post by: LIXIL on October 25, 2022, 06:14:18 am
Hi Team,

In version 8.x of PQ Grid, the string which contains "<" character does not display normally in some cases.
When we double click the cell, characters in the right side of "<" (included "<" character) are disappeared.

This issue just happened in version 8.x.
You can confirm by the demo as steps below.

1. At "Demos" menu -> select "Demos 8.x" -> At the left Menu, select a demo link, "Auto Fill" for example.
2. At cell A3, type the below cases of string. Case 2.1 and 2.6 are NG.

   2.1. Type "H<W-10" and press Enter key. Then double click the cell A3, only "H" is remaining, "<W-10" are disappeared. It's NG.
   2.2. Type "H< W-10" and press Enter key. Then double click the cell A3, whole string "H< W-10" is remaining. This is OK.
   2.3. Type "H<100-W" and press Enter key. Then double click the cell A3, whole string "H<100-W" is remaining. This is OK.
   2.4. Type "H<テスト" and press Enter key. Then double click the cell A3, whole string "H<テスト" is remaining. This is OK.
   2.5. Type "H<_W+10" and press Enter key. Then double click the cell A3, whole string "H<_W+10" is remaining. This is OK.
   2.6. Type "H<W-10>20" and press Enter key. Then double click the cell A3, only "H20" is remaining. Characters between "<>" are disappeared. It's NG.

It seems that string start with "<" + alphabet character (it means, not space, number, Japanese or special character) will be disappeared.

Please confirm and give us some solutions! Thank you very much!
Title: Re: String starts with "<" + alphabet character will be disappeared in Ver 8.x
Post by: paramvir on October 26, 2022, 07:07:22 am
Thanks for sharing the issue, I'm looking into it.
Title: Re: String starts with "<" + alphabet character will be disappeared in Ver 8.x
Post by: LIXIL on November 01, 2022, 07:47:37 am
Hi, Can we fix this problem in the short term ?
Title: Re: String starts with "<" + alphabet character will be disappeared in Ver 8.x
Post by: cadahoami on November 02, 2022, 06:17:38 am
Hi admin Paramvir,

I am facing the same issue and waiting to your solution too.
I am considering if I should rollback to previous version (really don't want to do) or still waiting for a better solution/fixing from you!

I known that you are working hard on it and hope that we will have a good solution soon.

Thanks so much!
Title: Re: String starts with "<" + alphabet character will be disappeared in Ver 8.x
Post by: paramvir on November 04, 2022, 11:07:01 am
The fix would be released in upcoming version. Meanwhile you can use textbox or textarea editor.

Code: [Select]
Title: Re: String starts with "<" + alphabet character will be disappeared in Ver 8.x
Post by: LIXIL on November 04, 2022, 12:24:47 pm
The problem was solved perfectly, thank you very much !
Title: Re: String starts with "<" + alphabet character will be disappeared in Ver 8.x
Post by: cadahoami on November 05, 2022, 08:01:01 pm
Thank you for your solution! It's very useful!  :D
Title: Re: String starts with "<" + alphabet character will be disappeared in Ver 8.x
Post by: paramvir on January 12, 2023, 07:23:57 am
This is fixed in v8.7.0