ParamQuery grid support forum

General Category => Help for ParamQuery Select => Topic started by: mflouty on July 10, 2023, 07:15:54 pm

Title: Ugrading to PQGrid v9. PQSelect Row Copy - Not Working
Post by: mflouty on July 10, 2023, 07:15:54 pm
We are upgrading to Version 9. But it seems when we select a row and copy. PQselect library is throwing a copy error. Some cells in the grid are using pqSelect.
The copy/past for rows having pqSelect in cells is not working. Please see the screen shot attached

Title: Re: Ugrading to PQGrid v9. PQSelect Row Copy - Not Working
Post by: paramvir on July 10, 2023, 09:05:45 pm
I'm unable to reproduce the error in a similar example:

Could you please share a jsfiddle.
Title: Re: Ugrading to PQGrid v9. PQSelect Row Copy - Not Working
Post by: mflouty on July 11, 2023, 10:30:19 am
Sorry i may not be able to share the code as per compliance. But, I think i am not able to copy the cells regardless of pqSelect being used in any cell.
Title: Re: Ugrading to PQGrid v9. PQSelect Row Copy - Not Working
Post by: mflouty on July 11, 2023, 11:27:47 am
i checked the dev js file. Its throwing error on callback when we copy any row or few items from a row

__pq__.trigger -> function name
o[type] is throwing error

Title: Re: Ugrading to PQGrid v9. PQSelect Row Copy - Not Working
Post by: paramvir on July 11, 2023, 12:13:17 pm
Kindly share the steps to reproduce the error in online examples.
Title: Re: Ugrading to PQGrid v9. PQSelect Row Copy - Not Working
Post by: mflouty on July 11, 2023, 06:39:05 pm
I resolved it. Copy was set to True in options which has changed in V9