ParamQuery grid support forum
General Category => Help for ParamQuery Pro => Topic started by: RamC on March 04, 2025, 05:40:29 pm
I have updated PQ Grid to Ver 9.1 from 3.3, and have some nested grids with "remote" Datamodel.
In newer version "Loading" box not displaying for nested grids , I also gone through and updated the code as well.
Please let me know if i missed any thing or have any other impacts.
Loading box is displaying fine in v9.1.1
No idea why it's not working for you. I can look into it if you have a jsfiddle to share.
I have updated the code as per new V 9.1, please JSFiddle- and find below code block and let me know if you found anything missing.
//common options used in all grids.
var options = {
fillHandle: 'all',
blur: function () {
//Initialize the Main Grid
function InitialiseDevicesgrid() {
//initialize main grid
$("#DeviceList").pqGrid(Object.assign({}, options, {
width: '100%',
height: CalculateGridHeight(),
dataModel: { location: "local" },
scrollModel: {autoFit:true, flexContent: true },
stripeRows: true,
collapsible: false,
flex: { one: true },
selectionModel: { type: 'row' },
hwrap: false,
wrap: false,
create: function (evt, ui) {
var colMod = [{ value: "Gateway", title: "Gateway" }, { value: "DataSource", title: "DataSource" }, { value: "DataTransfer", title: "DataTransfer" }, { value: "System", title: "System" }, { value: "Module", title: "Module" }],
$sel = $("#SearchList"),
optionElement = '';
// add column to the dropdown
$.each(colMod , function (i, column) {
optionElement = '<option value="' + column.value + '">' + column.title + '</option>';
// Refresh to show
colModel: [
title: "", minWidth: 27, maxWidth: 27, type: "detail", resizable: false, editable: false, sortable: false,
render: function (ui) { ui.rowData.rowId = 'DeviceList_' + ui.rowIndx; }
{ title: 'Customer', dataIndx: 'customer_name', editable: false, render: filterRender }
numberCell: { show: false },
sortModel: { sorter: [{ dataIndx: "customer_name", dir: "up" }], cancel: false, type: "local" },
resizable: true,
toolbar: {
cls: "pq-toolbar-search",
items: [
type: 'textbox',
attr: 'placeholder="' + "Find" + '"',
cls: "filterValue clearable",
listeners: [
{ 'keyup': DevicesSearchHandler },
{ 'change': DevicesSearchHandler }
type: '<select id="SearchList" class="search-list" data-width="150px" data-height="10px" data-style="btn-default btn-sm" data-dropup-auto=false></select>'
detailModel: {
cache: true,
collapseIcon: "ui-icon-plus",
expandIcon: "ui-icon-minus",
init: function (ui) {
var rowData = ui.rowData,
dataHubDetailObj = gridDataHubDetailModel(this, rowData), //get a copy of gridDetailModel
$grid = $("<div id=" + rowData.rowId + "></div>").pqGrid(dataHubDetailObj); //init the detail grid.
return $grid;
cellClick: function (event, ui) {
if (typeof ui.rowData.pq_detail != 'undefined') {
//$('#' + ui.rowData.rowId).pqGrid("showLoading");
if ((typeof ui.rowData != 'undefined') && ( {
if (initialisedDataHubsGridIds.indexOf(ui.rowData.rowId) < 0) { initialisedDataHubsGridIds.push(ui.rowData.rowId); }
} else if ((typeof ui.rowData != 'undefined') && (! {
$("#SearchList").on('', function (e, clickedIndex, newValue, oldValue) {
//Reset the Grid and then continue searching with the changed value
for (var i = 0; i < searchGridIds.length; i++) {
$(searchGridIds).pqGrid("reset", { filter: true });
function onTabsActive(evt, ui) {
//grid requires refresh whenever corresponding tab is refreshed.
//Datahub Grid function called by Main Grid
var gridDataHubDetailModel = function (gridMain, rowData) {
var datahubGridId = '#' + rowData.rowId;
return Object.assign({}, options, {
width: "100%",
pageModel: { type: "local", rPP: 10, curPage: 1, strDisplay: "{0} to {1} of {2}" },
columnBorders: false,
showTop: false,
showBottom: true,
scrollModel: { autoFit: true, flexContent: true },
dataModel: {
location: "remote",
dataType: "JSON",
method: "GET",
url: "../connections/datahubs/" + updatedEncodeURIComponent(rowData.customer_name) + "?customerName=" + updatedEncodeURIComponent(rowData.customer_name) + "®ion=" + updatedEncodeURIComponent(rowData.region) + "&country=" + updatedEncodeURIComponent( + "&city=" + updatedEncodeURIComponent(,
getData: function (dataJSON) {
var data = dataJSON.datahubs;
if (typeof data != "undefined" && JSON.stringify(data) != "") {
for (var i = 0; i < dataJSON.datahubs.length; i++) {
data.hub_name =;
return { curPage: dataJSON.curPage, totalRecords: dataJSON.length, data: data };
colModel : [
{ title: "", minWidth: 27, maxWidth: 27, type: "detail", resizable: false, editable: false, sortable: false },
title: "Lab Name", width: "15%", dataType: "string", dataIndx: "hub_name", editable: false, sortable: true, render: filterRender
title: "Gateway Name", width: "25%", dataType: "string", dataIndx: "dns_name", editable: false, sortable: true, render: function (ui) {
var gatewayName = (typeof ui.rowData.dns_name != 'undefined' && ui.rowData.dns_name.trim() != '')?ui.rowData.dns_name:ui.rowData.datahub_id;
return {
text: "<span title='" + ReplaceSpecialCharacter(gatewayName) + "'>" + gatewayName + "</span>"
title: "Status", dataType: "string", dataIndx: "status", editable: false, sortable: true, width: "15%",
render: function (data) {
return {
text: "<span class='" + GetStatusBitforConnectionStatus(data.rowData.status)["css"] + "'></span>" + "<span> " + filterRender(data) + "</span>"
title: "Last Contact Time", dataType: "date", dataIndx: "last_contact_time", editable: false, sortable: true, width: "20%",
render: function (data) {
var lastContactDate = new Date(data.rowData.last_contact_time);
var currentDate = new Date();
var cellHTML = '';
if (currentDate - lastContactDate <= 360000) {
cellHTML = cellHTML + "<span class='status-text-green'";
else if (currentDate - lastContactDate <= 86400000 && data.rowData.statusBit == 1) {
cellHTML = cellHTML + "<span class='status-text-orange'";
else {
cellHTML = cellHTML + "<span class='status-text-red'";
cellHTML = cellHTML + " title = '" + ReplaceSpecialCharacter(getDisplayDateTime(new Date(data.rowData.last_contact_time))) + "'>" + getDisplayDateTime(new Date(data.rowData.last_contact_time)) + '</span>';
return {
text: cellHTML
title: "",
dataIndx: "DeleteDataHub",
align: "center",
editable: false,
sortable: false, width: "12%",
render: function (ui) {
ui.rowData.rowId = rowData.rowId + "_" + ui.rowIndx;
return {
text: "<a class='my-tool-tip' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='left' title='Delete Gateway'><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-trash' style='font-family:Glyphicons Halflings'></i></a>",
title: "",
dataIndx: "AnonymizeDataHub",
align: "center",
editable: false,
sortable: false, width: "12%",
render: function (ui) {
ui.rowData.rowId = rowData.rowId + "_" + ui.rowIndx;
return {
text: (ui.rowData.status.toLowerCase() != 'anonymized')?
"<a class='my-tool-tip' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='left' title='Anonymize Gateway'><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-user' style='font-family:Glyphicons Halflings'></i></a>":
"<a class='my-tool-tip' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='left' title='Gateway successfully anonymized' style='cursor: not-allowed' disabled><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-user' style='font-family:Glyphicons Halflings;color:Gray'></i></a>"
refresh: function (evt, ui) {
if (ui.source != "flex") {
flex: { one: true },
height: 'flex',
numberCell: { show: false },
complete: function (event, ui) {
sortModel: { sorter: [{ dataIndx: "hub_name", dir: "up" }], cancel: false, type: "local" },
detailModel: {
collapseIcon: "ui-icon-plus",
expandIcon: "ui-icon-minus",
cache: false,
init: function (ui) {
var rowData = ui.rowData,
rdata = rowData,
dataHubDetailObj = gridDataSourceDetailModel($(this).pqGrid('instance'), rdata),
html = $("#tmpl").html(),
//create new detail place holder
$grid = $("<div tabindex='0'></div>");
dtsDetailObj = gridDTSDetailModel($(this).pqGrid('instance'), rdata),
$grid = $("<div tabindex='1'></div>");
html = html.replace("%=1", "#" + rowData.rowId);
html = html.replace("%=2", "#DTS" + rowData.rowId);
html = html.replace("%=id-1", rowData.rowId);
html = html.replace("%=id-2", "DTS" + rowData.rowId);
$grid.find(".pq-tabs").tabs().on("tabsactivate", onTabsActive);
//append pqGrid in the 2nd tab.
var id = "#" + rowData.rowId;
$("<div/>").appendTo($(id, $grid)).pqGrid(dataHubDetailObj);
$grid.find(id + "> .pq-grid").attr('id', "Tab" + rowData.rowId);
var dtsId = "#DTS" + rowData.rowId;
$("<div/>").appendTo($(dtsId, $grid)).pqGrid(dtsDetailObj);
$grid.find(dtsId + "> .pq-grid").attr('id', "TabDTS" + rowData.rowId);
gridId = rowData.rowId;
return $grid;
cellClick: function (event, ui) {
if (typeof ui.rowData.pq_detail != 'undefined') {
if ((typeof ui.rowData != 'undefined') && ( {
if (initialisedDataSourceGridIds.indexOf("Tab" +ui.rowData.rowId) < 0) {
initialisedDataSourceGridIds.push("Tab" + ui.rowData.rowId);
if (initialisedDTSGridIds.indexOf("TabDTS" + ui.rowData.rowId) < 0) {
initialisedDTSGridIds.push("TabDTS" + ui.rowData.rowId);
} else if ((typeof ui.rowData != 'undefined') && (! {
initialisedDataSourceGridIds.pop("Tab" + ui.rowData.rowId);
initialisedDTSGridIds.pop("TabDTS" + ui.rowData.rowId);
if (ui.column != undefined && ui.column.dataIndx == 'DeleteDataHub') {
var id =, level = "datahub";
if(ui.rowData.status != "Connected") {
var url = "../api/GetDeviceCount/" + updatedEncodeURIComponent(id) + "/" + updatedEncodeURIComponent(level);
var requestResult = Ajax(url);
requestResult.done(function (data) {
if (data == 0) {
var Id = { level: "datahub", datahubId:, datasourceId: null, systemId: null, moduleId: null };
ShowDeviceManagementAlert('confirmGatewayDeletion', {"Id":Id, "datahubGridId": datahubGridId });
} else {
} else {
ShowDeviceManagementAlert('connectedDevice', {"deviceType": "Gateway"});
else if (ui.column != undefined && ui.column.dataIndx == "AnonymizeDataHub" && ui.rowData.status.toLowerCase() != 'anonymized') {
var id =, level = "datahub";
var url = "../api/GetAnonymizationRequestStatus/" + updatedEncodeURIComponent(id) + "/" + updatedEncodeURIComponent(level);
var requestResult = Ajax(url);
requestResult.done(function (data) {
if (data == 0) {
ShowDeviceManagementAlert('confirmAnonymization', { 'dns_name': ui.rowData.dns_name, "ui":ui })
} else if (data == 1) {
ShowDeviceManagementAlert('anonymizationScheduled',{'dns_name': ui.rowData.dns_name})
} else if (data == 2) {
ShowDeviceManagementAlert('anonymizationCompleted', { 'dns_name': ui.rowData.dns_name })
} else {
alert('There was error while adding Gateway anonymization request. Kindly try after some time.');
I was hoping to see the live issue on jsfiddle. Since your jsfiddle is not functioning, I can only make a guess. There are a couple of showLoading and hideLoading calls in your code. Please comment them one by one and see how it goes.
Hi Paramvir, I found the cause of issue its because of jQuery version Library v3.7.1 . So any work around for jQuery 3x version as it working fine with jQuery 2x. versions ?
Thanks for reporting the issue. It's caused by change in functioning of jquery show method in 3.x, it only works if the element is attached to DOM.
There are 2 alternate ways to fix it.
1) Use this patch:
$.paramquery.pqGrid.prototype.showLoading = function () {
this.loading = true
this.$loading[0].style.display = "block"
2. Change the detailModel.init method
init: function (ui) {
var rowData = ui.rowData,
detailobj = gridDetailModel(this, rowData), //get a copy of gridDetailModel
$grid = $("<div/>") //.pqGrid(detailobj) //init the detail grid.
setTimeout( _ => $grid.pqGrid(detailobj) );
return $grid