ParamQuery grid support forum
General Category => ParamQuery Pro Evaluation Support => Topic started by: aniket.kulkarni on May 21, 2014, 06:23:58 pm
I can able to show grid data when using dataModel option location: "remote".
Now, I want to make data available locally. That means location: "local".
I made changes accordingly, but not able to show grid.
Here is code,
$(function () {
var colM = [
{ title: "", minWidth: 27, width: 27, type: "detail", resizable: false, editable: false },
{ title: "ShipCountry", width: 100, dataIndx: "ShipCountry" },
{ title: "Customer Name", width: 120, dataIndx: "ContactName" }
var data = [
{ ShipCountry: "India", ContactName: "Dheeraj"},
{ ShipCountry: "France", ContactName: "Fred"}
var dataModel = {
data: data,
location: "local",
sorting: "local",
dataType: "JSON",
recIndx: "ShipCountry",
rPPOptions: [1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 500, 1000]
var $gridMain = $("#grid_md").pqGrid({
width: 860, height: 500,
dataModel: dataModel,
editable: false,
colModel: colM,
wrap: false,
hwrap: false,
numberCell: { show: false },
title: "<b>Shipping Orders</b>",
resizable: true,
freezeCols: 1,
freezeRows: 0,
selectionModel: { type: 'cell' },
detailModel: {
cache: true,
collapseIcon: "ui-icon-plus",
expandIcon: "ui-icon-minus",
init: function (ui) {
//var rowData = ui.rowData;
//orderID = rowData["OrderID"];
//make a deep copy of gridDetailModel
var objCopy = $.extend(true, {}, gridDetailModel);
var $grid = $("<div/>").pqGrid(objCopy);
$grid.on("pqgridcellclick", function (event, ui) {
alert("Inside cell click");
$grid.on("pqgridquiteditmode", function (evt, ui) {
//exclude esc and tab
if (evt.keyCode != 27 && evt.keyCode != 9) {
$grid.on("pqgridcellsave", function (evt, ui) {
alert("Inside cell save");
return $grid;
//This is just to show child grid data
var childData = [{Name:"Ram",Addr:"India"}];
//details grid
var gridDetailModel = {
height: 130,
pageModel: { type: "local", rPP: 5, strRpp: "" },
dataModel: {
location: "local",
sorting: "local",
dataType: "JSON",
sortIndx: "Name"
colModel: [
{ title: "Name", width: 80, dataIndx: "Name" },
{ title: "Address", width: 80, dataType: "integer", dataIndx: "Addr" }
editable: true,
groupModel: {
dataIndx: ["Name"],
dir: ["up"],
title: ["{0} - {1} product(s)"],
icon: [["ui-icon-triangle-1-se", "ui-icon-triangle-1-e"]]
freezeCols: 0,
flexHeight: true,
flexWidth: true,
numberCell: { show: false },
title: "Name Details",
showTop: false,
showBottom: false
I just want to use local data instead of remote.
I have been trying since last 2-3 hours.
Please help me.
I want to use nested grid of paramquery pro version with data to be fetched is on same page i.e. location="local".
I have tried the example given in demo but the grid dosen't get populated when I change location="remote" to location="local", I am also assigning the manually but still its not working.
Please HELP...
There is an issue with using local data in master grid. Currently location == "remote" is the only workable option for master grid.
For those unable to use location "remote" (I'm using MongoDB behind Meteor), is there any way we can still use nested grids?
Nested grids can be used with both local and remote location in version 2.1.0
Any specific reason why you can't use "remote" with Meteor.
The bug mentioned in this thread seemed to be the only explanation for the following behaviour:
var columns = [{title:"id", dataIndx:"_id", dataType: "integer", editable:false, hidden:true}]
columns.push({title: "", minWidth: 27, maxWidth: 27, type: "detail", editable: false})
//columns.push rest of columns
var tableData = {
detailModel = {}
The above works fine and if I define detailModel correctly then the nested grid works as expected.
If is set to something else like [{"_id":"1"}] and I comment out the line pushing the type: "detail" column, the above still works correctly.
However with the above code and = [{"_id":"1"}] for example, I get the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'children' of null in:
m.detachInitView = function (b, a) {
var d = this.that,
c =;
if(c && c.length) {
for(var d = d.$tbl.children("tbody").children("tr.pq-grid-row")
where d.$tbl is null
Any ideas why?
As to Meteor, the server-side code publishes a subset of the data that is accessible by the client, so I don't want the client accessing the database directly.
1) dataModel.location = 'local' works fine with master/ detail grid in 2.1.0.
I've put up a demo for your reference here:
If you still get an error please post a small test case with reproducible error..
2) location = 'remote' doesn't access the database directly but access it through REST end points which provides the necessary flexibility to select the required data.
Thank you for your demo, I've gotten it working.
I believe the error could be a paramquery bug, since the solution involved populating the data only once the grid had been made through:
grid.pqGrid("option", "", @tableContent)
On all other tables, could be set directly in the object used to make the grid.
Lastly a big thanks for paramquery, it's incredibly flexible to work with!