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Messages - Sjaramillo

Pages: [1]
Help for ParamQuery Grid (free version) / cellUnSelect
« on: January 09, 2014, 07:21:17 pm »

I'm using the Pqgrid and works Perfectly... but I need to call a function when the cellUnSelect event is triggered and I'm getting an error because this event is not calling the required function
Code: [Select]
        var unmodified = datai;

        $(function () {

            var obj = { width: 1150, height: 400, title: "Controles de Procesos y Personas", resizable: true, draggable: true };
            obj.colModel = [{ title: "Codigo", width: 100, dataType: "string" },
                            { title: "Nombre", width: 200, dataType: "string" },
                            { title: "Admin", width: 50, dataType: "string" },
                            { title: NombreItems[0], width: 60, dataType: "float", align: "center" },
                            { title: NombreItems[1], width: 60, dataType: "float", align: "center" },
                            { title: NombreItems[2], width: 60, dataType: "float", align: "center" },
                            { title: NombreItems[3], width: 60, dataType: "float", align: "center" },
                            { title: NombreItems[4], width: 60, dataType: "float", align: "center" },
                            { title: NombreItems[5], width: 60, dataType: "float", align: "center" },
                            { title: NombreItems[6], width: 60, dataType: "float", align: "center" },
                            { title: NombreItems[1], width: 60, dataType: "float", align: "center" },
                            { title: NombreItems[1], width: 60, dataType: "float", align: "center" },
                            { title: NombreItems[1], width: 60, dataType: "float", align: "center" }];

            obj.dataModel = { data: datai };
            $("#grid_array").pqGrid({ freezeCols: 2 });
                cellUnSelect: function (event, ui) {


        $("#grid_array").on("pqgridcellunselect", function (event, ui) {...}

Help for ParamQuery Grid (free version) / Re: Getting started with pqGrid
« on: December 17, 2013, 12:41:41 am »
Thank you... But ...maybe u have a little  code example like in your page, i'm tryning to implement pqgrid but i get some error, sure they are because I lossing some reference but i can not find this

Help for ParamQuery Grid (free version) / Getting started with pqGrid
« on: December 16, 2013, 11:12:37 pm »
Hello JS Experts,

I'm starting to use your tools and i wish that you provide me an example, like "how to use and implement pqgrid CRUD"... I'm realy new in JS tecnologies... sorry =s

Thank you for your time !

Pages: [1]