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Messages - sachin_jain139

Pages: [1]
Thanks a lot for your kind support. Its done.. :)


Is there any other alternate if this does not work in base version?


Thanks for your quick reply. I tried your suggestion. Below is my code:-

function selectAll(evt)  //function called on onchange of Select All Checkbox
            var isChecked = $("#cbxAll").is(":checked");
            var rowIndex;
            var data =;
            for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
                data[0] = isChecked;
                $("#grid-json").pqGrid("refreshCell", { rowIndx: i, dataIndx: 0 });

I have also added render function as below:-

                success: function (data)
                    gridData = data;
                        render: function (ui)
                            var rowData = ui.rowData, dataIndx = ui.dataIndx;
                            var val = rowData[dataIndx];
                            str = "";
                            if (val)
                                str = "checked='checked'";
                            return "<input type='checkbox' class='cbx' style='margin:0' " + str + "onChange='cbxChange(this)'/>";
                    $grid1 = $("#grid_json").pqGrid(data);

This render function runs properly first time when grid is loaded. But it should also run when I am calling refreshCell in SelectAll function which is not  happening. Please suggest.

Hi All,

I am creating an application where the requirement is to add a Checkbox column in grid and in header there will be check box which will select/unselect all checkboxes in that column. I have added that column successfully but the problem is with Select All checkbox. It is selecting only first 17-18 checkboxes. When I saw it in debugger I found that only top 17-18 checkboxes are loaded by grid and others will be loaded when I scroll down. But this behavior of grid is not acceptable in this case. Please suggest.


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