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Messages - yulia

Pages: [1]
Oh, I didn't realize that! Thank you so much for pointing it out, it did solve the problem!

I'm using dataModel = 'local' and loading data manually. When I reassign pqGrid, the columns that were editable on initial load are no more editable.

If I destroy pqgrid before 2nd load, it fixed the problem, but sometimes I don't know if pqgrid is already loaded (and if it's not and I call destroy, and error occurs). I tried to see if there's an API that will tell me fi the grid is loaded and couldn't find anything.

Here's my code.

    var dataSource = dataArray;
    var obj = {};
   obj.width = 1000;
   // obj.height = 400;
   columnModel = [     
      {title:"SeedWeightID", hidden:true},
       {title:"Plant", width:150, dataType:"float", align:"right", className:'grid-col', editable: false},
       {title:"", width:350, dataType:"float", className:'grid-col', editable: false},
       {title:"", width:150, dataType:"float", className:'grid-col', editable: true},
       {title:"", width:150, dataType:"string", className:'grid-col'},
       {title:"", width:150, dataType:"string", className:'grid-col'}
   dataModelSource = {data: dataSource};
   $( "#grid_array" ).pqGrid(
          {scrollModel:{pace: 'fast', horizontal: false} },
          {editModel:  {saveKey: 13}},
          {editable: true},
          {flexWidth: true} ,   
          {colModel: columnModel},
          {dataModel: dataModelSource},      
              obj );

Any suggestions?

Pages: [1]