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Messages - robgell

Pages: [1]
Help for ParamQuery Pro / Filter
« on: April 19, 2014, 04:38:06 pm »
I have the filter working nicely for what I need except for one issue.

If I filter down, and the resulting record set returns no rows from my remote source, and then 'open out' the filters again, no records are displayed.

There are no error or warning messages in the console. What have I missed? Do I need to do something to 'reset' the grid.

I have tried using: $('#grid_json').refreshDataAndView();

Yes, that is the ID of the containing DIV for my grid. I get the following error message:

Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function

Any pointers would be most useful please.

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: Field names in mysqli
« on: April 19, 2014, 04:17:08 pm »
Ah, yes. Thank you.


Help for ParamQuery Pro / Field names in mysqli
« on: April 15, 2014, 09:37:34 pm »
I am fairly new to paramquery pro, but I have a working solution.

Here is the situation: I have an existing internal system utilising a number of components on an existing database.

There are a number of reports and other information interfaces, all working nicely but needing a facelift. Which is where paramquery comes in.

A lot of the data interfaces use filters. Got my operator grid working nicely, looking all pretty. But - the filters would not work for 5 fields.

On further examination, I realised that the five fields in question actually have numbers in them. (Addr1, Addr2, Addr3 etc).

As a controlled test, I changed the names of the tables to AddrOne, AddrTwo etc, and the filter started to work. Obviously because I have lots of reports and enquiry screens built on lots of sql statements, permanently renaming the fields to remove the numbers is not possible.

Why is this happening? Is there an easy solution, or is this a bug?

I am using a LAMP.



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