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Messages - twz

Pages: [1]
Would it be possible in the future to allow columns on the right side of the grid to be frozen (in addition or instead of left side columns)?

eg freezeCols could accept either freezeCols:2 or freezeCols:{ left:2, right:1 }

Just to clarify - the reason I needed 'this' and not '$(this)' is that the code I used from your link was pure Javascript - so it was expecting a DOM element, not a jQuery object.

I'm building a fairly complex grid where a particular column must be editable, but for some rows should NOT be editable.

At first I used the cellClick event, so when a cell is clicked I could cancel the event if the cell was in a particular row.

This worked well - except the user could still Tab into the cell. I noticed that there's a quitEditMode method, but not a corresponding enterEditMode event - which would be ideal for this purpose.

I solved my problem by hacking the pq core to create an enterEditMode event. Is there a better way to do this? If not, could an enterEditMode event be added to the API?

For anyone interested, this is the code I added to fn._editCell function (after the 3 var declarations):

Code: [Select]
if(this._trigger("enterEditMode", null, {
            rowIndx: rowIndx,
            colIndx: colIndx,
            dataModel: this.options.dataModel
    { return false; }

Thanks for your reply.

I struggled with this for a while, but got it working eventually. Note: I had to select the text of 'this', not '$(this)'

When a cell is selected for editing, the cursor appears at the start of the text. If you want to replace the text you need to delete the current contents first.

I would like the current contents to be highlighted automatically, so I can just start typing to replace the contents.

I'm surprised there doesn't seem to be an option for this - and nobody seems to have mentioned it before - or am I missing something obvious?

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