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Messages - Stingles

Pages: [1]
I'm using the Demo version to make sure that everything will work as what we are needing.

I'm using Google Chrome, I'm still able to drag a column and move it.

I have tried
Code: [Select]
draggable: false
Also tried :
Code: [Select]
$("#EntryTable").pqGrid( "option", "draggable", false );
After both attempts, I'm still able to drag the columns as I see fit.

Here is my complete code
Code: [Select]
var Itemobj = {
width: 800,
height: 800,
title: "Entry Table",
flexHeight: true,
numberCell: false,
editModel: { clicksToEdit: 1 },
selectionModel: { type: 'row', mode: 'block' },
draggable: false
Jdata = [{itemid:'Testing',productid:'1000',s1d1:'5',s1d2:'3',s1d3:'X',s2d1:'4','s2d2':'X',s2d3:'4'},{itemid:'Testing',productid:'1004',s1d1:'X',s1d2:'7',s1d3:'3',s2d1:'X',s2d2:'3',s2d3:'9'},{itemid:'Testing',productid:'1005',s1d1:'5',s1d2:'8',s1d3:'X',s2d1:'5',s2d2:'X',s2d3:'0'},{itemid:'Testing',productid:'1006',s1d1:'9',s1d2:'3',s1d3:'8',s2d1:'4',s2d2:'5',s2d3:'X'},{itemid:'Testing',productid:'1007',s1d1:'1',s1d2:'6',s1d3:'0',s2d1:'5',s2d2:'4',s2d3:'X'},{itemid:'Testing',productid:'1008',s1d1:'9',s1d2:'0',s1d3:'X',s2d1:'X',s2d2:'2',s2d3:'1'},{itemid:'Testing',productid:'1009',s1d1:'X',s1d2:'7',s1d3:'X',s2d1:'X',s2d2:'9',s2d3:'0'}];
Itemobj.colModel = [
{title: 'Description', dataType: "string", dataIndx: "itemid", editable: false, sortable: true, width: 200},
{title: 'Item Number', dataType: "string", dataIndx: 'productid', editable: false, sortable: true, width: 100},
{ title: 'Store #1', align: "center", colModel : [
{title: '1',dataType: "string", dataIndx: 's1d1', sortable: false,
render: function (ui) {
var rD = ui.rowData;
var col = ui.dataIndx;

if (rD[col] == "X") {
$("#EntryTable").pqGrid('addClass', { rowIndx: ui.rowIndx,dataIndx: col,cls: 'celldisable' });
}, editable: function (ui) {
var rD = ui.rowData;
var col = ui.dataIndx;

if (rD[col] == "X") {
return false;
} else {
return true;
editor: { select: true }
{title: '2',dataType: "string", dataIndx: 's1d2', sortable: false,
render: function (ui) {
var rD = ui.rowData;
var col = ui.dataIndx;

if (rD[col] == "X") {
$("#EntryTable").pqGrid('addClass', { rowIndx: ui.rowIndx,dataIndx: col,cls: 'celldisable' });
}, editable: function (ui) {
var rD = ui.rowData;
var col = ui.dataIndx;

if (rD[col] == "X") {
return false;
} else {
return true;
{title: '3',dataType: "string", dataIndx: 's1d3', sortable: false,
render: function (ui) {
var rD = ui.rowData;
var col = ui.dataIndx;

if (rD[col] == "X") {
$("#EntryTable").pqGrid('addClass', { rowIndx: ui.rowIndx,dataIndx: col,cls: 'celldisable' });
}, editable: function (ui) {
var rD = ui.rowData;
var col = ui.dataIndx;

if (rD[col] == "X") {
return false;
} else {
return true;
{ title: 'Store #2', align: "center", colModel : [
{title: '1',dataType: "string", dataIndx: 's2d1', sortable: false,
render: function (ui) {
var rD = ui.rowData;
var col = ui.dataIndx;

if (rD[col] == "X") {
$("#EntryTable").pqGrid('addClass', { rowIndx: ui.rowIndx,dataIndx: col,cls: 'celldisable' });
}, editable: function (ui) {
var rD = ui.rowData;
var col = ui.dataIndx;

if (rD[col] == "X") {
return false;
} else {
return true;
{title: '2',dataType: "string", dataIndx: 's2d2', sortable: false,
render: function (ui) {
var rD = ui.rowData;
var col = ui.dataIndx;

if (rD[col] == "X") {
$("#EntryTable").pqGrid('addClass', { rowIndx: ui.rowIndx,dataIndx: col,cls: 'celldisable' });
}, editable: function (ui) {
var rD = ui.rowData;
var col = ui.dataIndx;

if (rD[col] == "X") {
return false;
} else {
return true;
{title: '3',dataType: "string", dataIndx: 's2d3', sortable: false,
render: function (ui) {
var rD = ui.rowData;
var col = ui.dataIndx;

if (rD[col] == "X") {
$("#EntryTable").pqGrid('addClass', { rowIndx: ui.rowIndx,dataIndx: col,cls: 'celldisable' });
}, editable: function (ui) {
var rD = ui.rowData;
var col = ui.dataIndx;

if (rD[col] == "X") {
return false;
} else {
return true;
Itemobj.useColSPanStyle = true;
Itemobj.groupHeaders = [ {startColumnName: 's1d1', numberOfColumns: 3, titleText: '<em>Store #1</em>'},{startColumnName: 's2d1', numberOfColumns: 3, titleText: '<em>Store #2</em>'} ];
Itemobj.dataModel = {
data: Jdata,
location: "local",
sorting: "local",
paging: "local"
Itemobj.freezeCols = 2;
Itemobj.columnBorders = true;
$("#EntryTable").pqGrid( "option", "draggable", false );

Also, I would like to have it save and move to the next cell on the TAB and ENTER keys.  Tab already works, but I haven't been able to figure out how to get the ENTER key to mimic the TAB key behavior.

Thanks in advance

Help for ParamQuery Grid (free version) / Disable a single cell
« on: June 18, 2014, 07:14:29 pm »
Hello, and first of all thank you for making the pqGrid product, it's been a great help to the project I'm currently working on. 

I do have two hurdles left that I'm attempting to solve. 
  • Changing how certain keys are handled.  Having the ENTER key move to the next cell just like TAB does.
  • Based on the data in the cell, I need to have the cell disabled.

Example :
Let's say if the cell has the value of "X" where as the cell would have a numeric in it if it was meant to be editable.  How would I go about doing this?  and/or what are my options on working with the code to do this.

I am currently using the render in the column to adjust the 'look', but I can't figure out how to disable the cell from being editable. 

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