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Messages - paboro

Pages: [1]
Help for ParamQuery Grid (free version) / Re: Color in rows
« on: July 02, 2014, 05:46:13 pm »

Thanks, I already did it, but I just now fixed it, my problem was the cache...

Thanks very much


Help for ParamQuery Grid (free version) / Re: Color in rows
« on: July 02, 2014, 05:05:02 pm »

I actually do, but the first time, when is created it apears in colors because I inicializate it, but in the moment I do a event like resize or scroll it disapear. I have the pqrefresh, and is ok, but only when I refresh with alt+f5 or refresh of browser, but not in the event of the table...

What can I do?

Help for ParamQuery Grid (free version) / Color in rows
« on: July 02, 2014, 04:46:28 pm »
Hello, first of all, thanks for this good job that is Paramquery.

I have a problem, in my program, I want to set colors to the rows, depending of some factors. I do it with addClass ( I read it fails) but when I do a event, like resize columns, or scroll, etc... It goes white again. Is really important that colors, so I need to fix this. How can I set the colors even if happen a event, or something. There is a jquery function? or some?

Thanks for your time.


Pages: [1]