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Messages - marruendarol

Pages: [1]
but if i do local , i will  lose remote paging and remote sorting functionallity?  or there is a way to combine it with grid  listeners?

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Asycn function inside getURL to form data
« on: July 23, 2014, 10:31:30 am »
Hi, i am trying to form my own data to send to the server by using getURL  but i need to check permissions in others tables to establish the final data to send to the Grid , the problem is that getURL is not async and it always return url & data before my querys are finish , is there a way to override this function or modify to make getURL wait for my database response?

Or as alternative solution ... any ideas how i can perform some database calls before appending data to getURL?

Example :

  getUrl: function (ui) {

        var queryObj = {}
        queryObj.pageNumber   = ui.pageModel.curPage;
        queryObj.nPerPage     = ui.pageModel.rPP ;
        queryObj.sortDir      = ui.dataModel.sortDir;
        queryObj.sortIndx     = ui.dataModel.sortIndx;

        var data = processPolicies(queryObj,function(data){
                 return { url: apiURL + "readCollection",  data: data};


function processPolicies(queryObj,callback){

      success:  callback(response);


Ty in Advance.

Pages: [1]