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Messages - snagaval

Pages: [1]
Help for ParamQuery Pro / cellClick vs cellSelect
« on: April 03, 2015, 05:29:54 am »

I used cellClick to code some logic around when a cell is being edited; but, when that cell is selected to edit by using the cursor keys, cellClick event is not triggered (this makes sense - as the cell is not clicked); would cellSelect be a better event to code for this? Would you recommend some other event? I am coding things such as highlight some other cells, keep track of the before edit value of the cell etc.

Thanks for you help.


Help for ParamQuery Pro / maximize event
« on: January 05, 2015, 10:06:31 pm »

The maximize icon is a very nice feature to have. Our grid is fairly complex and on larger monitors, it takes a noticeable amount of time, before the maximize / normalize happens.  There is enough of a time lag that the users think it is frozen; we would like to 1) trap the click maximize icon event 2) display some message ("please wait"), 3) trap a "complete resize" event 3) display the grid after the re-sizing is done.

Any ideas?


Bug Report / Issues with multiple checkbox columns in IE
« on: December 15, 2014, 08:14:06 pm »
In my grid, I have more than 40 columns - multiple checkbox columns, some are fixed on the left -- and there are scroll bars, of course.

All of the above works fine in Firefox (all major versions), Chrome (all major versions); but, I have an issue with that with IE 10+; in IE, when the check box is clicked -- the entire grid view moves to the left; the fixed columns are not visible anymore; somehow, that click is triggering a re-centering of the grid; a second click gets it all back normal again. This only happens when the cellClick function is active AND only when a check box is clicked. The re-centering does not happen if I don't use the cellClick function. I need to have only one checkbox checked on each row. If one checkbox column is checked, the other checkboxes on the same row should be unchecked. I have this coded in the cellClick function (not included in the fiddle).

1.    What can we do to fix the above in IE?
2.    Is there a better way of dealing with the checkboxes than what I have?

Below is the link to a fiddle:

When you run the fiddle - and click on the right most check box columns -- it works fine in other browsers, except IE.

Bug Report / refreshHeader function call generates an error
« on: December 09, 2014, 12:50:04 am »

In the following piece of code:

   var baGrid = $("#dispDataDiv" ).pqGrid( "getInstance" ).grid;

 the call to refreshHeader() works in the grid pro evaluation version -- but, generates a "refreshHeader is not a function" error in the paid version (V 2.3.0).

Any ideas?

Pages: [1]