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Messages - shldbapp

Pages: [1]
Help for ParamQuery Pro / How to download the latest version 5.1.0
« on: January 31, 2018, 02:05:36 pm »
how to download the latest version 5.1.0?

Transaction ID: xxxxxxxxxxx6733R

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Save column state with refreshDataAndView
« on: September 25, 2015, 06:13:52 pm »
What is the correct way to combine the (working) code below and the $grid.pqGrid("refreshDataAndView") function?
When using the refreshDataAndView function the column sorting state is not working.
Code: [Select]
            var CM = $grid.pqGrid("option", "colModel");
            var strCM = JSON.stringify(CM);
            $.cookie("CM", strCM);
            var strCM2 = $.cookie("CM");
            var CM2 = JSON.parse(strCM2);
            $grid.pqGrid("option", "colModel", CM2);

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Filter Remote Grid
« on: April 13, 2015, 08:06:12 pm »
I am working with a local copy of

Where I added the following code for a toolbar with a checkbox:

Code: [Select]
  toolbar: {
                    cls: "pq-toolbar-search",
                    items: [
                        { type: "<span style='margin:2px;'>Grid Title</span>" },
                        { type: 'separator' },
                            type: 'checkbox', style: 'margin-right:5px;', attr: 'id=seinactive', listener:
                                  "change": function (evt, ui) {
                                      // Function
                                      filter("Ship Country", "Brazil");
 { type: "<label for='seinactive'>Inactive</label>" },

And the function to filter:

Code: [Select]
        function filter(dataIndx, value) {
            $grid = $("#grid_custom_editing").closest('.pq-grid');

            $grid.pqGrid("filter", {
                data: [{ dataIndx: dataIndx, value: value, type: "local" }]

Unfortunately it does not work. The filter has no effect on the grid. How to make it work?

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: Update selected row
« on: March 24, 2015, 09:48:17 pm »
Thanks for the quick reply!

I updated the code to:

Code: [Select]
                change: function(evt, ui){
                    var userInput = Data.areas[0].label;
                    var current_row = ui.rowIndx;

                    $(this).pqGrid("updateRow", { rowIndx: current_row, row: { 'Area': userInput }, source: 'ms' });


"Cannot call methods on pqGrid prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'updateRow'"

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Update selected row
« on: March 24, 2015, 08:46:52 pm »
I want to update the current selected row with the following function:

Code: [Select]
change: function (event, x) {

                    var userInput = Data.areas[0].label;
                    var currentRow = ui.rowIndx;
                    $grid.pqGrid("updateRow", { rowIndx: currentRow, row: { 'Area': userInput } });
                    $grid.pqGrid("refreshRow", { rowIndx: currentRow });

console.log gives me the correct row number, but the function doesn't work. How to solve this?

Pages: [1]