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Messages - mike_matthews_ii

Pages: [1]
never mind, thought i had a workaround...but it was a cached response fluke

the options I have set are:
numberCell: '',
scrollModel: '',
oddRowsHighlight: 'true',
editable: '',
clicksToEdit: '',
flexWidth: 'true',
flexHeight: 'true',
bottomVisible: 'true'

To update, this only happens on the bottom record.  If I have three records, the first two get the double click event but the third only receives the single click or else nothing.

To be clear, the single click works just fine; but as you might guess, that's not the right user experience for my grid control.

As an example, I have used both of these:
$grid.on("pqgridcelldblclick", function () { window.location = '/Comments/Details/' +[ui.rowIndx][0]; });
   cellDblClick: function (e, ui) { window.location = '/Comments/Details/' +[ui.rowIndx][0]; }

If I replace the Double Click for the Single Click, then I get events to fire for the Single, I'm confident I have followed the API documentation correctly.  But I get no errors; and nothing shows up in the Console or Debugger to alert me to any issues.  It simply doesn't work.

Anyone know what might fix this?


Pages: [1]