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Messages - Ekanta

Pages: [1] 2
Hi Team,

We are facing issue with horizontal scrolling on grid with more than 1000 rows and 250 columns. Horizontal scrolling is not smooth when the data in the grid is more. If VirtualX and VirtualY properties are true then the horizontal scroll is not smooth. So is it possible to set the VirtualX and VirtualY properties dynamically. Before scrolling can we make these properties false? If this is not possible could you please provide any other solution for this issue.
Thanks in advance.


Thanks for your help. This solution is worked. I want to apply the class disabled to that particular row. I am using below line of code but it is not working.

grid.pqGrid("addClass",{ rowIndx: rowIndx, cls: 'disabled' });

Basically I want to change the color of the rows to grey if rows are not editable.


Hi All,

I have a requirement in that based on the value of the column i have to lock the entire row in the grid. I tried using below code but it is not working for me. Could you please help me in resolving the issue.

grid.pqGrid("removeClass", { rowIndx: validatedRowNums, cls: 'pq-row-edit' });

where validatedRowNums array will have row numbers to be locked.

Ekantaraju  KG

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: Skip columns from the grid data
« on: August 25, 2016, 10:18:05 pm »
Thank you very much.This worked for me  :)

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Skip columns from the grid data
« on: August 25, 2016, 11:09:23 am »
Hi All,

In our application we have a grid with check box as first column. When we save the data we are allowing only the selected rows from the check box. When we get the selected rowdata from the grid the Json data contains the check box value also. But we dont want to send the check box value to server as I am not saving it to the database.

So is there is a way to skip the columns when we get the row data from the grid.


Hi Team,

Could you please suggest us how to sort the date column with date format 'DD/MMM/YYYY'. Is there any default function to sort the column or do we need to write separate function.

Ekantaraju K G

Help for ParamQuery Grid (free version) / PQ grid with UFT tool
« on: August 16, 2016, 03:21:57 pm »
Hi Team,

UFT tool is an automation testing tool used in our project. we are planning to migrate the existing far point grid with the PQ grid.
But we are facing below issue we integrate PQ grid with UFT tool. Kindly help us in resolving the issue.

1. UFT  tool is identifying 'Paramquery grid' as WebTable but it is not supporting to child items of the table like 'WebEdit' ,'WebElement' etc.,

Thanks in advance.

Ekantaraju  KG

Thanks for your response. Can you please share code snippet where we have pq grid in multiple tabs.

Hi All,

Could you please let me know whether multiple sheet functionality can be achievable in paramquery grid or not ?.
I have requirement where I have to show the results in different sheets(Similar to Excel).

If Multiple Sheet functionality is available in paramquery then could you please share the example code for the same.


I am facing issue in setting the Width of the column.
I am using JSON object to populate the column header of the grid. JSON object I am populating from my Java class. In Java script am setting the width using my JSON object. But Width is not reflecting on the grid.

Can you please tell me how to resolve the issue.


Is it possible to move the focus from one cell to another cell on Tab key press when cells are not in edit mode

Thanks in Advance,

Is it possible to move the focus from one cell to another cell on Tab key press when cells are not in edit mode

Thanks in Advance,
Ekantaraju K G

ParamQuery Pro Evaluation Support / Re: Copy Paste Issue
« on: May 26, 2015, 02:21:56 pm »
Thanks :) Issue 1 and 3 are fixed.
Issue 2: We want only the grid header background color to change. If we set the theme as 'Start' the background color applies to the entire column in the demo given in Instead we want only the header background color to be changed. Please let us know if this can be achieved.


ParamQuery Pro Evaluation Support / Copy Paste Issue
« on: May 25, 2015, 12:13:48 pm »
We are interested in buying this product.We have the below callouts based on the evaluation done so far:
1.Copying entire row will copy the hidden columns also.I used copy:false to avoid copying the hidden columns still it is copying the entire row with hidden columns.
2.I want to color a particular section of the grid. But I am not getting how to do this.
3.How to select Entire row on click of number cell(First column).

We need a reply as soon as possible, as we need to finalize the grid for our requirement.

Thanks and regards,
Ekantaraju K G

Thanks for your reply.

1.Tab issue is solved.
2. I have requirement to select the row only when we click on number cell(first column).If I use selectionModel: { type: 'row'},then entire row gets selected on click of any cell.
3.I have hidden columns in the grid and I don't want to copy the hidden columns. Let me know is there any way to avoid the copying of hidden columns.


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