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Messages - Tanja

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Help for ParamQuery Pro / SOLVED - Re: Use german umlauts in textarea
« on: October 12, 2015, 03:44:47 pm »
With the help of the character map, I also can paste in the umlauts in Windows 7 and 8.1. type="contenteditable" didn't change the behavior.
I tried some more thing: When I type them in Word or somewhere else and then copy and paste them into the textarea editor - this works, too.  But: It's no solution for daily use - the users have to type the umlauts into the field like every other character, too...

Now, I found out a solution by trial and error. In my configuration (see first post) I had the line
Code: [Select]
                    editModel: { keyUpDown: false, saveKey: '' },
the saveKey parameter produces the problems, if I remove it - everything works fine like when you define no special editor for the single line input - except: you can't enter new lines then.
But I have to provide the new line option by pressing the ENTER-Key on the keyboard - so I changed it to

Code: [Select]
                    editModel: { keyUpDown: false, saveKey: '9' },
Now I can enter the umlauts and one can leave the field by pressing "TAB". That's OK for me - in row editing mode I don't save every cell, users have to press the update button of the row...

The data of the editor are stored correctly in the database - but getting them back on page reload is interesting. The new lines then are not shown in textarea editing mode, instead we have two blanks... until page reload after ajax update, the new lines are displayed correctly. Seems to be a similar issue like the apostrophe, which breaks on reload in editing mode...

Thank you very much for your help  :)

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: Use german umlauts in textarea
« on: October 09, 2015, 01:07:00 pm »
Thank you for your reply, below are the answers to your questions.
I forgot to mention that I always use row editing mode.

1. Yes, if I have a textarea filled with multiple lines, it does not work, also when I only have a single line typed into the textarea. Should the umlaut be the first character in the textarea, then the editor stays open and the validation says missing input and I cannot leave the field... -
If I have a simple textbox, everything with the umlauts is fine - it's only the textarea, which is making problems, regardless how much lines it has.
When I enter the umlauts directly in the database and then load the grid, they are displayed correctly and also saved again right. But I still cannot enter new ones...

2. I did not use height: 'flex' or flexHeight:true - height of my grid is 250 (fixed value in the grid object configuration)

3. I (and the users of my application, too) use Firefox. I tested with version 40.0.3 and updated to 41.0.1 - the error occurs in both versions. In Opera 32.0 the textarea works fine. I did not test Internet Explorer, because it is not relevant to us - everyone uses Firefox, most recent version (scheduled updates).

4. In daily work, the users type in umlauts (ä, ö, ü) a lot, so they noticed the error.
When I enter an apostrophe it will be saved via ajax and displayed correctly in non editing mode. When I then reload the complete page and open the textarea for editing, the hex declaration ''' is shown instead of the apostrophe, leaving the edit mode displays the normal character again.  I did not recognize issues with other characters yet (ß is working fine for example).

5. Thank you for the link to the previous version. In version 2 demo it's the same behavior like in 3.1.0.

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Use german umlauts in textarea
« on: October 07, 2015, 02:10:13 pm »

I use an inline textarea in one of my edit grids and declared it in the colModel:

Code: [Select]
{ title: "Kommentar", width: 200, dataType: "string", dataIndx: "kommentar",
                    editor: { type: "textarea", attr: "rows=4" },
                    editModel: { keyUpDown: false, saveKey: '' },
                    validations: [{ type: 'nonEmpty', msg: 'Bitte Kommentar eintragen'}]

When I try to enter the German "ä", "ö" or "ü" - then the textarea is closing and the cursor jumps out of the textarea. The German "ß" works.
In your example "Shipping orders" ( it's exactly the same behavior in the field "shipping address".
How can I configure the field accepting the German umlauts?
Many thanks!


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