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Messages - Eagle_f90

Pages: [1]
Thanks for the help

But that would do a pop-up error correct? I don't want a popup for an error displayed like the "no rows" message.

I am able to successfully display data in my grid when I don't run into any problems getting the data but now I want to display an error message to the user if I run into any problems getting the data. I found but am not sure how to combine it with a successful call. Also, my understanding of the 3 parameters in that function are that they will only return the core Error data and not a custom message that I return. I can display the Error status code if I have to but it would be nice to display a more user friendly message if possible. Thank you

Code: [Select]
var dataModel =
                location: "remote",
                dataType: "json",
                method: "POST",
                contentType: "application/json; charset=UTF-8",
                url: '@Url.RouteUrl("GetChangeOrders")',
                getData: function (dataJson)
                    return { data: dataJson };

            var obj =
                collapsible: false,
                colModel: colModel,
                dataModel: dataModel,
                editable: false,
                filterModel: { on: true, mode: "AND", header: true },
                flexHeight: true,
                numberCell: { show: false },
                roundCorners: true,
                scrollModel: [lastColumn = "None"],
                sortDir: ["up"],
                sortIndx: ["ID"],
                sorting: "local",
                stripeRows: true,
                title: "IT Change Orders",
                width: $(window).width() - 10,
                wrap: false

I am using a select list in my header filter but after filling the data when the page is loaded the select list is blank by default. If I click on the list I see all the values. How can I have the first value show in the dropdown when the page is load? (Note: ChangeTypes is a JS array filled earlier in the code)

Code: [Select]
var ChangeTypes = [],
                Priorities = [],
                ImpactTypes = [],
                Users = [];

            @foreach (var Type in Model.ChangeTypes)

            @foreach (var Type in Model.ImpactTypes)

            @foreach (var Priority in Model.Priorities)

            @foreach (var User in Model.Users)

            var colModel = [
                        { title: "Project ID", dataType: "integer", dataIndx: "ID", hidden: true },
                        { title: "Project Name", dataType: "string", dataIndx: "Name", resizable: true, width: 250, halign: "center", filter: { type: 'textbox', condition: 'contain', listeners: ['keyup'] }},
                        { title: "Notes", dataType: "string", resizable: false, width: 75, halign: "center" },
                        { title: "Change Type", dataType: "string", dataIndx: "Type", resizable: true, width: 169, halign: "center", filter: { type: 'select', options: [ChangeTypes], condition: 'equal', value: 'IN', prepend: { '': '--Select Type--' }, listeners: ['change']}},
                        { title: "Priority", dataType: "string", dataIndx: "Priority", resizable: true, width: 55, halign: "center" },
                        { title: "Impact", dataType: "string", dataIndx: "Impact", resizable: true, width: 55, halign: "center" },
                        { title: "Assigned To", dataType: "string", dataIndx: "AssignedTo", resizable: true, width: 150, halign: "center" },
                        { title: "Estimated Start Date", dataType: "date", dataIndx: "EstimatedStartDate", resizable: true, width: 145, halign: "center" },
                        { title: "Estimated Completion Date", dataType: "date", dataIndx: "EstimatedEndDate", resizable: true, width: 165, halign: "center" },
                        { title: "Date Actually Started", dateType: "date", dataIndx: "DateStarted", resizable: true, width: 145, halign: "center" },
                        { title: "Date Actually Compleated", dataType: "date", dataIndx: "DateCompleated", resizable: true, width: 165, halign: "center" },
                        { title: "Reason For Change", dataType: "string", dataIndx: "Reason", resizable: true, halign: "center", width: 283, filter: { type: 'textbox', condition: 'contain', listeners: ['keyup'] }},
                        { title: "Approval Status", dataType: "string", dataIndx: "ApprovalStatus", resizable: true, width: 105, halign: "center" },
                        { title: "Approved By", dataType: "string", dataIndx: "ApprovedBy", resizable: true, width: 135, halign: "center" }

Trying to do this based off of I came up with this code but it does not resize the column but the grid does get resized correctly

Code: [Select]
            $(window).resize(function (evt)
                var GridWidth = $Grid(window).width() - 10;
                var ColumnModel = $Grid.pqGrid("option", "colModel");
                //colModel[11].Width = GridWidth - 1459;
                colModel[11].Width = 200;
                $Grid.pqGrid("option", { width: GridWidth });
                $Grid.pqGrid("option", "colModel", ColumnModel);

Is there anyway of dynamically sizing the rows at all or does everything have to be a fixed width?

I have a specified width set for all my columns but one. The hope was that the one column with no set width would auto expand/shrink depending on the size of the table, unfortunately it is not. No matter what I seem to do the final column, which has a set width, will always expand/shrink to fill the table instead of column 10 (the column with no set width). How do I make it so column 10 expands/shrinks and not the last column?

Code: [Select]
            var colModel = [
                { title: "Project ID", dataType: "integer", dataIndx: "ID", hidden: true },
                { title: "Project Name", dataType: "string", dataIndx: "Name", resizable: true, width: 200, halign: "center" },
                { title: "Notes", dataType: "string", resizable: false, width: 75, halign: "center" },
                { title: "Change Type", dataType: "string", dataIndx: "Type", resizable: true, width: 169, halign: "center" },
                { title: "Priority", dataType: "string", dataIndx: "Priority", resizable: true, width: 55, halign: "center" },
                { title: "Impact", dataType: "string", dataIndx: "Impact", resizable: true, width: 55, halign: "center" },
                { title: "Assigned To", dataType: "string", dataIndx: "AssignedTo", resizable: true, width: 150, halign: "center" },
                { title: "Estimated Start Date", dataType: "date", dataIndx: "EstimatedStartDate", resizable: true, width: 150, halign: "center" },
                { title: "Estimated Completion Date", dataType: "date", dataIndx: "EstimatedEndDate", resizable: true, width: 175, halign: "center" },
                { title: "Date Actually Started", dateType: "date", dataIndx: "DateStarted", resizable: true, width: 150, halign: "center" },
                { title: "Date Actually Compleated", dataType: "date", dataIndx: "DateCompleated", resizable: true, width: 175, halign: "center" },
                { title: "Reason For Change", dataType: "string", dataIndx: "Reason", resizable: true, halign: "center" },
                { title: "Approval Status", dataType: "string", dataIndx: "ApprovalStatus", resizable: true, width: 105, halign: "center" },
                { title: "Approved By", dataType: "string", dataIndx: "ApprovedBy", resizable: true, width: 150, halign: "center" }

Is formatting the time just not possible?

Hi, I do need to format the data but no examples from the linked site seem to work as they all work on an input box and I am not sure how to pass in the cell data for formatting. I have tried a few things but all of them break the grid. I can get the date format to work fine off the datepicker format example you gave just not the datetimepicker you linked.

Code: [Select]
            obj.colModel[9].render = function (ui)
                var cellData = new Date(ui.cellData);
                return $.datetimepicker({ dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd", timeFormat: "hh:mm:ss" }, cellData);

Working off this demo I am trying to get the value inside a hidden column to append it to a string but I am only getting "undefined". What is the appropriate way to read another column's value?

Code: [Select]
        $(function ()
            var colModel = [
                { title: "Project ID", dataType: "integer", dataIndx: "ID", hidden: true },
                { title: "Project Name", dataType: "string", dataIndx: "Name", resizable: true, width: 200 },
                { title: "Notes", dataType: "string", resizable: false, width: 75 },
                { title: "Change Type", dataType: "string", dataIndx: "Type", resizable: true, width: 175 },
                { title: "Priority", dataType: "string", dataIndx: "Priority", resizable: true, width: 75 },
                { title: "Impact", dataType: "string", dataIndx: "Impact", resizable: true, width: 75 },
                { title: "Assigned To", dataType: "string", dataIndx: "Impact", resizable: true, width: 100 },
                { title: "Approval Status", dataType: "string", dataIndx: "ApprovalStatus", resizable: true, width: 100 },
                { title: "Approved By", dataType: "string", dataIndx: "ApprovedBy", resizable: true, width: 150 },
                { title: "Estimated Start Date", dataType: "date", dataIndx: "EstimatedStartDate", resizable: true, width: 150 },
                { title: "Estimated Completion Date", dataType: "date", dataIndx: "EstimatedEndDate", resizable: true, width: 150 },
                { title: "Date Actually Started", dateType: "date", dataIndx: "DateStarted", resizable: true, width: 150 },
                { title: "Date Actually Compleated", dataType: "date", dataIndx: "DateCompleated", resizable: true, width: 150 },
                { title: "Reason For Change", dataType: "string", dataIndx: "Reason", resizable: true }

            var dataModel =
                location: "remote",
                dataType: "json",
                method: "POST",
                contentType: "application/json; charset=UTF-8",
                url: '@Url.RouteUrl("GetChangeOrders")',
                getData: function (dataJson)
                    return { data: dataJson };

            var obj =
                collapsible: false,
                colModel: colModel,
                dataModel: dataModel,
                editable: false,
                flexHeight: true,
                numberCell: { show: false },
                roundCorners: true,
                sortDir: ["up"],
                sortIndx: ["ID"],
                sorting: "local",
                stripeRows: true,
                title: "IT Change Orders",
                width: $(window).width() - 10,
                wrap: false

            obj.colModel[2].render = function (ui)
                var rowData = ui.rowData,
                    dataIndx = ui.dataIndx;

                return '<a href="' + '@Url.RouteUrl("ChangeOrderNotes", new { ChangeOrderID = -1 })'.replace("-1", rowData[0]) + '"> Test</a>';

                    var $Grid = $("#Grid").pqGrid(obj);

            $(window).resize(function (evt)
                $Grid.pqGrid("option", { width: $(window).width() - 10 });

How would I apply that to the column?

I have a few dates to display in the grid that are coming from some JSON passed to the grid by my MVC6 backend. When the grid displays the date it is displayed in "2016-01-01T00:00:00". I would like to display it in for format of Jan. 01, 2016 00:00 A.M. Is this possible to do?

Thank you very much, that worked.

After digging around on the board I was able to modify a demo to call into an MVC 6 JsonResult Action but I can not get the data to load into the grid. I can enter debug mode in Visual Studio and do see the AJAX call into the Action and that the action is returning a result containing 1 record (which is the right amount of records). The grid then load into the web page but no data inside is displayed just the words "No rows to Display." What am I doing wrong?

JavaScript Code:

Code: [Select]
    $(function ()
        var colModel = [
            { title: "ID", width: 100, dataType: "integer", dataIndx: "ID" },
            { title: "Name", width: 500, dataType: "string", dataIndx: "Name" }

        var dataModel =
            location: "remote",
            dataType: "json",
            method: "POST",
            contentType: "application/json; charset=UTF-8",
            url: '@Url.RouteUrl("GetChangeOrders")',
            getData: function (dataJson)
                var data =;
                return { data: data };

        var obj =
            title: "Test",
            dataModel: dataModel,
            colModel: colModel,



c# Code:
Code: [Select]
        [Route("GetChangeOrders", Name = "GetChangeOrders")]
        public JsonResult ChangeOrders()
            var ChangeOrdersList = _DbContext.ChangeOrders.Select(co => new { ID = co.ID, Name = co.Name }).ToList();

            return Json(ChangeOrdersList);

I am trying to evaluate/use PQGrid for a company project before we purchase but I am unable to get the simple demo working using ASP.Net MVC. I took the code from and that displays fine but since you have no examples of a basic table pulling remote data I am completely lost on where to start. I went though your other tutorials but the ones that do provide any MVC code are too complex on the JavaScript side for me to figure out. I am not a JavaScript developer so it would be really nice if I could just get a basic grid tutorial to start with and go messing around from there.

Pages: [1]