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Messages - tcf

Pages: [1]
Help for ParamQuery Pro / Using summaryData with fetching data remotely?
« on: December 20, 2016, 04:03:44 am »
Is it possible to use summaryData but fetching data remotely?

I've tried using this as an example, but it fails to work when fetching data remotely:


Help for ParamQuery Pro / Hide/Show Columns - from dropdown only?
« on: August 16, 2016, 06:23:10 pm »
I would like to implement this feature....

I've looked at your example here:

but cannot figure out how I could just have the dropdown only so I can select which columns to hide/show.

Would this be possible to implement ?


We need to get the total size of the grid without taking into account any filters set.

At the moment we are doing this:

$( "#grid" ).pqGrid('option', '' ).length);

but we have just realised that this only returns the total size of grid taking into account filters....

Is it possible to get total size of grid ignoring any filters?


Thank you so much that worked perfectly... :-)

OK this as it is does work in IE:

But if I simplify it to use local data then the dates do not sort in IE but are OK in Chrome...

    $(function () {

      var data = [['Argentina', 'Yvonne Moncada', '2016-12-12 12:23:01', '2016-12-12 12:23:01', '2016-12-12 12:23:01'],
            ['Argentina2', 'Yvonne Moncada2', '2015-12-12 12:23:01', '2015-12-12 12:23:01', '2015-12-12 12:23:01']];
        var colM = [
            { title: "ShipCountry", width: 100, dataType: "string" },
            { title: "Customer Name", width: 130, dataType: "string" },
          { title: "Order Date", width: 100, dataType: "date" },
          { title: "Required Date", width: 100,  dataType: "date" },
          { title: "Shipped Date", width: 100, dataType: "date" }
        var dataModel = { data: data };
        var $grid = $("#grid_local_sorting").pqGrid({
            dataModel: dataModel,
            sortModel: {
                single: true,
                space: true,
                multiKey: null
            numberCell: { resizable: true, title: "#", minWidth: 20, width: 30 },
            colModel: colM,
            pageModel: { type: 'local', rPP: 100, rPPOptions:[10,100,1000] },
            showTitle: false,
            columnBorders: false,
            resizable: true,                       
            hwrap: false,
            wrap: false

I've hot noticed a serious problem with Dates... I was doing all my testing in Chrome and everything worked great.

But then I did some testing in IE11 and I noticed that Dates would not sort when I clicked the header like they did in Chrome. I also tried filtering and this is the same it works in Chrome but not IE.

I've also tried Firefox and this has he same problem.

Please can you confirm if there is a problem with IE/Firefox when it comes to sorting Dates?


I've tried doing the following :

$( "#grid" ).pqGrid( "hideLoading" );

but every time I refresh the grid using this command below the Loading message appears:

$( "#grid" ).pqGrid( "refreshDataAndView" );

Any Suggestions?


I've managed to sort this problem out now by calling:

$( "#grid_brands" ).pqGrid('option', '' ).length

from the refresh event.


If I do the following:

$( "#grid_brands" ).pqGrid(obj_brands);
alert($( "#grid_brands" ).pqGrid('option', '' ).length);

results in a: "Unable to get property 'length' of undefined or null reference"

but if I do...

$( "#grid_brands" ).pqGrid(obj_brands);
alert($( "#grid_brands" ).pqGrid('option', '' ).length);

then it works and the number of rows is displayed.

Is there anyway I can check if the data has been loaded before displaying the number of rows ?


Help for ParamQuery Pro / How to disable a toolbar button ?
« on: January 31, 2016, 03:17:51 am »
I've tried the following to disable a toolbar button but it does not wok?

$( "#grid_control" ).pqGrid("option", "toolbar").items[0].options.disabled = true;

This error is returned:
Unable to set property 'disabled' of undefined or null reference


Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: Restrict the sorting to 2 columns only ?
« on: January 29, 2016, 10:21:02 pm »
That works great... however what would be even better if the user clicked on a 3rd header to be sorted the 2nd header sorter was removed ?

i.e. say I had 3 columns Year, First Name, Second Name

The user clicks on Year and Year is sorted, then clicks on First Name and First Name is sorted within Year...

The user then clicks on Second Name which is the 3rd sort, so the sort on First Name is removed and the Second Name is sorted.

Hope that makes sense ?


Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: Restrict the sorting to 2 columns only ?
« on: January 29, 2016, 07:08:29 pm »
I don't think this answers my question...

All fields have been set to be sortable, but I want to restrict the user so he can only select 2 of those fields to be sorted.

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Restrict the sorting to 2 columns only ?
« on: January 29, 2016, 03:21:17 am »
I need to only allow 2 columns to be sorted.

Is it possible to restrict the sorting to 2 columns only ?


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