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Messages - SegueTech

Pages: [1] 2
Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: User selected paging quantity
« on: July 11, 2016, 10:42:17 pm »
Understood.  Thank you for getting back to me.  I prefer it this way, but they're the customer, so needed to ask. :-)

Help for ParamQuery Pro / User selected paging quantity
« on: July 11, 2016, 06:03:00 pm »
Hi folks,

Our client wants to know if there is a way to allow the user to select how many rows they want per page, as opposed to having set values in that box.  So they would want to be able to type into the box, sort of like the page number, and enter the quantity of rows they want to see on that page.  Is that possible?


Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: Hard breaking the toolbar
« on: May 13, 2016, 12:20:22 am »
LOL.  I guess next time I think it can't be that easy, I should try it first. Thanks!

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Hard breaking the toolbar
« on: May 12, 2016, 10:42:29 pm »
Hello folks!

Is there a way to force a hard break in the toolbar?  I have a few buttons and then a pq-select area with all of the columns so they can show/hide them, but I would like the buttons on their own line above that column listing. 


Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: Exporting only selected rows
« on: May 06, 2016, 04:04:32 pm »
Wow!  You guys are awesome!  That is so simple, that's perfect, and with the Unselect All, I don't need anything else to unselect.  Thank you so much!

Out of curiosity, does the pq_rowselect offer a similar option to the cb:{all: true} so that all rows in the data could be selected, even if they were not in the current page view?

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: Exporting only selected rows
« on: May 05, 2016, 04:29:10 pm »
Perhaps I'm missing something again, but even in the example page you sent, clicking on a different cell does deselect the previous selection, but it makes a new selection instead.  How do you deselect your selections by removing the selection entirely?  I would expect that like a checkbox, I could select and unselect without having to select something else.

Thanks for the excellent answer.  I wish I had some suggestions, but I did go through what we are using and found that it complies quite easily with what our guidelines state as requirements.  For the most part, it was already compliant, but I had images for the toolbar buttons, and all I had to do was add the following:

attr: "alt='label of image here'"

Very nice.

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: Exporting only selected rows
« on: May 05, 2016, 12:05:47 am »
Using that pq_rowselect field, would there be an easy way to add a button to select all rows or unselect all rows on the current page?  It seems like there's no way to deselect using the space bar or the click.


Help for ParamQuery Pro / Is ParamQuery Grid Section 508 compliant?
« on: May 04, 2016, 08:36:33 pm »
I am just curious whether this tool qualifies as being Section 508 compliant.

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: Exporting only selected rows
« on: May 04, 2016, 05:23:28 pm »
Thank you. That didn't work for me, still shifted to different spots, but good to know it will be fixed in the next version.

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: Exporting only selected rows
« on: May 03, 2016, 10:56:35 pm »
I'm trying to prevent the selections from changing position in the grid.  When I do the export, for some reason, the rows change position.  If I click the sort twice to cycle back to where it was, then they are in the exact same position in the grid page. I just changed the listener to the following, but it is still doing the same thing:

listener: function () {
   //filter the selected rows.
      oper: 'replace',
      data: [{dataIndx: 'pq_rowselect', value: true, condition: 'equal'}]
      url: "index.cfm?fuseaction=browselist.exportExcel",             
      format: "xlsx",
      filename: "report",
      render: true
   //reset the filter.
      oper: 'replace',
      data: []

I have attached a snippet of what the page looks like right before I click the export, and one of immediately after.  From the after image, if I were to click the Days_Old column until it cycles back to the same sort, the page will look exactly like the before image again.


Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: Exporting only selected rows
« on: May 03, 2016, 06:42:55 pm »
So that's working great, thanks again.  However, after the export, the selections appear in different places because the sort shifts a bit. I noticed that when I put the sort back, the selections are in the same place, which is what I want.  I have tried to get the sort model before I filter and then set it back afterwards, but I'm having trouble with this.  Following is just the listener code:

listener: function () {
var sortModel = $( "#grid_json" ).pqGrid( "option", "sortModel" );

//filter the selected rows.
   oper: 'replace',
   data: [{dataIndx: 'pq_rowselect', value: true, condition: 'equal'}]
   url: "index.cfm?fuseaction=browselist.exportExcel",             
   format: "xlsx",
   filename: "report",
   render: true
//reset the filter.
   oper: 'replace',
   data: []
$( "#grid_json" ).pqGrid( "option", "sortModel", sortModel );                   

Please let me know if you can see what I'm missing.


Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: Exporting only selected rows
« on: April 26, 2016, 09:22:30 pm »
Awesome, will try that! Thanks!

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: Exporting only selected rows
« on: April 26, 2016, 06:02:37 pm »
Does this mean that there would be no way to export only selected rows if I were to use the selectionModel type 'row' method? Or is there some way to allow a user to select rows that way and only export the highlighted rows to Excel?

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: Exporting only selected rows
« on: April 25, 2016, 09:58:49 pm »
Great, thanks, I will give that a shot!

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