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Messages - [email protected]

Pages: [1]
hi ,
I need to show validation error message while editing in batch edit mode immediately after losing the focus on the corresponding cell i.e when i clicked outside the cell.
But it is happening now only when tab or enter is pressed , if keyUpDown: true it is giving for up and down arrow keys press also, But as i said i need it for losing the focus by clicking somewhere outside the cell.

I have used the following code

editModel: {
                    saveKey: $.ui.keyCode.ENTER,
                    keyUpDown: true

cellBeforeSave: function (evt, ui) {
                    var isValid = grid.isValid(ui);
                    if (!isValid.valid) {
                        return false;


I added an extra line of code and changed it to be
cellBeforeSave: function (evt, ui) {
                    var isValid = grid.isValid(ui);
                    if (!isValid.valid) {
                        return false;

It is working fine how i wanted it to be, But the problem now is i am getting an uncaught error saying that
Uncaught TypeError: ui.alert is not a function
each and every time when validation error is being shown.

please help me solve this issue.

Thank you very much
after looking at your JSfiddle i found my mistake.
I have been doing the same silly  mistake for a long time
I amusing the same data object to reload the data in the grid without clearing the previous data in the data object.So the new data is appending to the previous one.
Just i cleared the previous data object before loading it with new one from the database.

even If there is no data on second option click the grid is displaying the first option related data itself .

How do I refresh the data in paramquery grid,
I have a select option which will change the data to be displayed in the grid .
 for example there are 10 rows of data in first option click and 5 rows data in second option click and 15 rows of data in third option click.
It is displaying the records fine if the option we select  is for first time.

If first option is selected 10 rows are being displayed.
But if we select now the second option in select we are getting only those 5 rows of data.But instead of displaying 5 rows in grid It is appending these 5 rows to the previous 10 rows by replacing 5 rows in them with new data and showing only 10 rows.
Now if we select third option the whole data is being overridden and 15 rows are being displayed as desired because 15 rows are here which are replacing only 5 rows.

The problem arises as I said only when the later option gives less no.of rows when compared to the earlier option.
I have used $grid.pqGrid("refreshDataAndView") but no of use .
How do I solve this ??
Bhanu Prakash

Dear Sir,
 I am now to the Param Query grid. I need a small clarification.
I have a grid in which only some columns are editable with a column having select as editor. And based on the cell data of a particular row the select options should be changed only for that particular row not for every row.

i mean for example if i have three columns namely:
Status | Role | Remarks

Status is having Approve and reject as options in editor select.
If someone selects Approve then only my Role column should be loaded with select Options:Admin and User.   And the remarks column should be not editable.
If someone selects reject then no option in role should be shown.And remarks column should be editable.
Here i am using batch editing....

Could you please suggest me a way to solve this.
Thanks in advance.

Pages: [1]