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Messages - IBoadoC

Pages: [1]
Your solution fixed the issue. Thank you very much!

If there is anything I could do to help clarify my question or something that might be not well worded please tell me, I would be very glad if someone could help me with this.

Thanks in advance.

Edit: I just realized that the code snippet is not really very informative as it contains a custom function. I think it might be better if a mod could delete the post, so I can open a new one with a better explanation of what I need and where. I'm fairly new to the code and i've yet to get a good grasp of the whole project.

Thanks in advance.


I am having trouble trying to use a custom icon in a button inside a toolbar. In the API documentation it's noted as posible but I can't find a way to make it work.

the ítem I'm inserting in the toolbar is the following:

addItemToolbar(loGridOpciones['toolbar'],'export','button','<bean:message key="CTAS.BTN_EXPORT_EXCEL" />',[{click:exportCuentas}],{'icon':'<html:rewrite page="/img/'customImage.gif'"/>',attr:'title="Export this to excel"'});

But i've only managed to get it to default to a JQueryUI icon (^ this one).

Can someone give me some advice in what am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance!

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