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Messages - arup_2016

Pages: [1]
Pls anybody tell me how to validate cell of numeric column in angularjsgrid and also setfocus on particular cell.

i have used  following code but it does not work

        validations: [
                            { type: 'gte', value: 0, msg: "should be >= 0" }

Help for ParamQuery Grid (free version) / ANGULARJS PQ GRID
« on: August 19, 2016, 02:21:40 pm »
       I have a Angularjs PQ Grid for displaying records. one of column have button control for downloading file from the server on click event.
       now i want to show a progressbar image on same column as button control reside and hide button on button's click event. button will be shown again after completing download the file. my initial grid option as follows.. How to do that please help

   var obj = {
        width: "100%",
      //  height: 400,
        colModel: [
                title: "Request Date", dataIndx: "reqDate", editable: false,
                template: '<span   ng-class="ri%2==0?\'bold_cls\':\'\'">{{rd.reqDate}}</span>'
            { title: "Request Number", editable: false, dataType: "integer", dataIndx: "reqNo", template: '{{rd.reqNo}}' },
            { title: "Finnancial Year", editable: false, dataType: "string", dataIndx: "finYr", template: '{{rd.finYr}}' },
            { title: "Quarter", editable: false, dataType: "string", dataIndx: "qrtr", template: '{{rd.qrtr}}' },
            { title: "Form Type", editable: false, dataType: "string", dataIndx: "frmType", template: '{{rd.frmType}}' },
            { title: "File Processed", editable: false, dataType: "string", dataIndx: "dntype", template: '{{rd.dntype}}' },
            { title: "Status", editable: false, dataType: "string", dataIndx: "status", template: '{{rd.status}}' },
            { title: "Remarks", editable: false, dataType: "string", dataIndx: "remarks", template: '{{rd.remarks}}' },
                 title: "", align: 'center', editable: false,
                 render: function (ui) {
                     var width = ui.column.outerWidth, ci = ui.colIndx
                     return '<button ng-show="{{rd.status ==\'Available\'}}" type="button"  class="btnCss btn btn-warning" ng-click="vm.showMe(rd)">Download</button> ';

        resizable: false,
        pageModel: { type: "local", rPP: 20 },
        collapsible: false,
        title: "",
        scrollModel: { autoFit: true },
        dataModel: { data: 'vm.myData' }

      I am using angularjs PQ grid for displaying data. PQ grid is hide initially by ng-show as follow.. after some ajax request it show the div
   but grid showing no record. if i click sorting or maximize then it show all record. pls help anybody

   <div id="divStep2" ng-show="vm.GridDisplay">                                                 
                   <pq-grid  options="vm.gridOptions" style="margin:auto;"></pq-grid>                 

  $ + 'Service.svc/reQList', TracesLogin).success(function (data) {

   if (data.RequestDownloadListResult.Response == "0") {               
                vm.LoginDisplay = false;
                vm.GridDisplay = true;
                vm.Cookies = data.RequestDownloadListResult.Cookies;
                var jsonData = JSON.parse(data.RequestDownloadListResult.ResponseData);
                vm.myData = jsonData.rows;
            } else {
                vm.CaptchaCode = '';


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