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Messages - NRI Fintech

Pages: [1]
According to  page checkbox columns are not compatible with IE <= 8.  Can you explain what features of Param Query check box does not work on  IE <= 8 ?? 

Added a simple test case using the older version where 'check' and 'uncheck' are working.

Upgrade to 3.3.x and this will not work.

We have used type="checkbox" but still it does not work.

Maybe, we were not clear.

We are not trying to dynamically change the checkbox. We have simply used the following event handlers which are not getting triggered.

objGrid.check = function(evt, ui) { ..... }

objGrid.unCheck = function(evt, ui) { ...... }

In fact none of the event handlers are getting triggered.

What can be the problem ? We guess we are doing something wrong.

Sorry, wrong version mentioned. Not working after upgrade to 3.3.2

The check and uncheck event handlers are not working after upgrade to version 3.3.2

Here is the options.

Code: [Select]
    colModel.push({ title: "", dataIndx: "abcd", width: 'flex', align: "center", resizable: false,
type: 'checkBoxSelection', cls: 'ui-state-default', sortable: false, editable: true,
cb: { all: false, header: false, select: true, all: true }

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Need link to SDK
« on: October 03, 2016, 01:05:00 pm »
Following is the Transaction ID.

Transaction ID: xxxxxxxxxxxxx2133E

Please provide the link to the latest SDK.

Pages: [1]