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Messages - 54696d20

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The instructions are located for the free version

Yeap, thats kind of how I got the free version working.
$grid.pqGrid("option", "", response.d);

On the free version I get errors if I try to filter all fields. if I change it to filter the email, it works. all fields gives me this error

Uncaught TypeError: val.toUpperCase is not a function(…)
filterRender @ TestingSearchGrid.aspx:72
b.renderCell @ pqgrid.min.js:74
b._generateRow @ pqgrid.min.js:78
b._generateTables @ pqgrid.min.js:70
b.generateView @ pqgrid.min.js:59
p.refresh @ pqgrid.min.js:282
b.refresh @ pqgrid.min.js:141
b.refreshView @ pqgrid.min.js:142
c._onDataAvailable @ pqgrid.min.js:314
c.filter @ pqgrid.min.js:310
(anonymous function) @ jquery-ui.min.js:6
each @ jquery.min.js:3
each @ jquery.min.js:3
e.fn.(anonymous function) @ jquery-ui.min.js:6
filterhandler @ TestingSearchGrid.aspx:61
(anonymous function) @ pqgrid.min.js:345
dispatch @ jquery.min.js:3
v.handle @ jquery.min.js:3

But I was trying to get the pro version to work.. No love. Those errors I'm getting

pqgrid.min.js:138 Uncaught Error : SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 4
error @ pqgrid.min.js:138
c @ jquery.min.js:3
fireWith @ jquery.min.js:3
k @ jquery.min.js:5
r @ jquery.min.js:5


At this point I'm returning
    [0 … 99]
        Index: 1
        Name: "[email protected]"
        Index: 2
        Name: "[email protected]"
        __type: "TestingSearchGrid+People"
I have over 800 users. I have more fields; however, just testing a few at the moment.

Help for ParamQuery Grid (free version) / C#, ASP.NET 4, WebFrom, Gridview
« on: November 01, 2016, 08:56:30 pm »
Do you know where I can find instructions on setting this up on a webforms project, not MVC? I have the pro version and It's not working at the moment.

Thanks. Do you know where I can find instructions on setting this up on a webforms project, not MVC? I have the pro version and It's not working at the moment. Going to trying something else

Maybe someone can help with this. url: "/pro/customers/get" What format is the method passing back?
I'm guessing something like
            [[1, 'Exxon Mobil', '339938.0', '36130.0'],
            [2, 'Wal-Mart Stores', '315654.0', '11231.0'],
            [3, 'Royal Dutch Shell', '306731.0', '25311.0'],
 I'm trying to work out the array, but a little stuck at the moment

Thanks for the help

I've been looking for instructions on how to implement into my project (C#, ASP.NET 4, WebFrom, Gridview). Currently binding the data into a gridview. I've been learning how to use the project; however, the link shows an example of an mvc project. Looks like i'll have to use a [WebMethod], but still looking into it.

Thanks for the help in advance.

Pages: [1]