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Messages - bruno.anjos

Pages: [1]
Help for ParamQuery Pro / Checkbox not triggering cellSave
« on: December 06, 2018, 09:27:43 pm »
Hi. I'm using version 4.0.1 with a pqgrid that has checkboxes on it. My checkboxes are configured exactly like the example in this demo.

I'm trying to have it so when a user unchecks a certain field a popup shows up to warn him of his action. I'm trying to do this using cellSave but when the users clicks the box it's not triggering it.

Some help with this would be appreciated. Thank you.


I'm using the sum excel formula for my summary row like this:

summaryData: [{ classe_comp:'Soma', summaryRow: true, pq_fn:{n_nao_determinados:'sum(C:C)', n_machos:'sum(D:D)', n_femeas:'sum(E:E)', n_indiferenciados:'sum(F:F)', peso_nao_determinados:'sum(G:G)', peso_machos:'sum(H:H)', peso_femeas:'sum(I:I)', peso_indiferenciados:'sum(J:J)',  }}],

However I've noticed that when I input certain numbers in the grid the sum goes crazy and instead gives me an approximate number (either above or below). I'll attached a printscreen showing the issue.

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: Chain select columns
« on: May 25, 2017, 09:57:32 pm »
Thanks for your reply!
I had seen this example but it lacked the part where it ties in to database ids (I need a labelIndx and a valueIndx for the second select) and thought the solution might be more complicated than that. Using the example you provided if I use a labelIndx and valueIndx for the regions column and have id/name tuples instead of labels in the regions var and pass that as the options will this work?

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Chain select columns
« on: May 25, 2017, 07:49:16 pm »
Hi everyone. I'm trying to make a grid that has chained selects. Both selects have a visible column with the select and the labels and an hidden column with their database id.
What I need is to have the second select showing different options based on what was selected in the first select, or none at all if the first has no options selected.
General example: select1 has the options "bmw" and "audi". Select2 has the options "3 series", "5 series" and "6 series" showing up when "bmw" was selected in select1 and the options "A3", "A4" and "A5" showing up when "audi" was selected. When no options is selected on select1 then select2 should be empty.

I hope that was clear. I tried searching for a way to do this on the API but found nothing. Is there? In case there isn't what would be your advice to go about it?
I was thinking about starting select2 and filling the options depending on select1 when the user edits select2. What do you think?

Thanks in advance for your help!

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