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Messages - arborresearch

Pages: [1]
Thank you for this information! The 'regexp' condition along with a pipe delimited value resolved my issue.

$grid.pqGrid("filter", { oper: 'replace', data: [{ dataIndx: 'LastName', condition: 'regexp', value: 'jones|smith' }

I would like to know if it is possible to filter one column/dataIndex by multiple values at the same time. An example would be to filter for all last names that are either 'smith' or 'jones'. I have tried the code below without success

filterModel: { on: true, mode: "OR", header: true }
$grid.pqGrid("filter", { oper: 'replace', data: [{ dataIndx: 'LastName', condition: 'contain', value: 'smith' }, { dataIndx: 'LastName', condition: 'contain', value: 'jones' }] })

Thank you!

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Column head filters - find empty values in data
« on: February 22, 2017, 08:10:41 pm »
Sirs / Ma'ams,

I apologize ahead of time for what might be a simple answer; I just haven't been able to locate a workable answer by searching.

I have a simple column of data that contains text. However, some cells are empty. I'd like to be able to filter for these.

Here is my current code for the column:
Code: [Select]
filter: { type: 'select', condition: 'contain', prepend: { '': '--Select--','Consented': 'Consented','Refused': 'Refused', 'Missing':'Missing', 'empty':'Empty' }, valueIndx: 'consent',  labelIndx: 'consent', listeners: ['change'] }

Currently, it seems to work just fine, except for "empty". Well, of course not - there is no text in the cells that = 'empty'.

Some search results (Internet / forum) indicated that I could use a simple '' and that would find it. Well, not really. The first entry (above) already uses that {'':'--select'' ...}, and it seems simply not  to filter anything (removes all filters for that column), so that can't be the solution.

Right, so after some searching it appears that since I am using the 'contains' condition, this may be my issue.
Apparently there is a condition called 'empty', and another called 'notempty'.
These are interesting and would seem to permit me to find the empty cells. However, I don't know of a way to swap conditions  for that columns.

What are your thoughts on this, and what approach should I seek next?

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: maintain scroll position?
« on: February 22, 2017, 01:36:59 am »
Nice!  :D

I'll take a look at the code on the dependent scrolling table page.

Help for ParamQuery Pro / maintain scroll position?
« on: February 21, 2017, 09:54:37 pm »
Sirs, Ma'ams,

As far as I can tell, it looks like there are two options for managing scroll position within a grid.

1. use the rowIndx (get/set)
 $("#selector").pqGrid("scrollRow", { rowIndxPage: 10 });  //[10 = or whatever row you want]

2. locate the scrollbar object - set the cur_pos option.
$( ".selector" ).pqScrollBar( "option", "cur_pos", 300 ); //[300 - or whatever position you want]

As far as I can tell, option 2 above doesn't seem to work.
Also, obtaining the scroll position is also ignored: - var cur_pos = $( ".selector" ).pqScrollBar( "option", "cur_pos" );
This is taken from here:

Option 1 requires knowing what rowindex they are interested in - no easy feat unless they tell you in other ways than simply scrolling.
One can maintain the chosen index if they select a row, but if they are just scrolling - all bets are off.

I'd like to be able to assist the visitor by returning them to the previous scroll position after returning to the page.
Have you any hints that could assist me in accomplishing this?

Thanks in advance!

We'd like the link to download the PRO version too, please.

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(main contact = Dan V.)

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