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Messages - Lakshmi

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I have some styles and formatting applied to grid cells in column render function, like below.
render: function (ui) {     
                    //apply styles and replace every comma by new line for each cell             
                    return { style: "color:red", text: ui.cellData ? ui.cellData.replace(/,/g, '<br/>') : "" };

I would like to have the same implemented in excel exported using exportData.

I tried using options nopretty and cssRules, but syntax is not present anywhere in API.

Could you please help by providing details on how to implement the above in grid?
Also, if there are examples for other options in exportData function, it will be helpful.

Suggest new features / Enable Auto filter on excel exported from grid
« on: October 12, 2018, 04:48:03 pm »
When I export data from grid to excel using exportData function, I wish to add Auto Filter option to the excel headers and the user should be able to filter records directly using the header filters.

I could not find anything relevant in Demos and API for this. Please assist.

PQGrid version used is : 3.3.5

I'm trying to use pqgrid inside a pop-up to which I have applied jquery draggable. I'm unable to copy the cell value using native select.

Any suggestions?

pqgrid version: 3.3.5

pqgrid version: 3.3.5

When the grid data is huge, on click of Export there is a significant delay before the file gets downloaded. I wish to show the loading message on click of Export. But $( ".selector" ).pqGrid( "showLoading" ); does not work.

Tried showing a separate loader gif on screen over pqgrid, but that also does not show up until the file gets downloaded. Also tried adding a separate click event handler, but pqgrid's internal handler takes precedence.

Tried using a setTimeout after showing my loader in the export listener. This did half the work - showed my loader image, but there were errors in pqgrid.js

Thanks for the prompt response. Appreciate it.

Hi ,

Thanks for the quick response. The link you had shared has the filter at the grid level. I want to implement this feature at column level. My column needs to have two controls
a)Textbox for entering the search text
b)Dropdown for selecting the type of filter (Contains/Begins with)

Please let me know if this is possible. Thanks in advance.

Is it possible to apply filters to indvidual columns in the grid using more than one control(Textbox and dropdown). For example, i want to filter a column named City based on text input. For this i should have an option to select the type of filter (Contains/Equal to) which is going to be a dropdown. Any leads will be highly appreciated. Please see the attached image for reference.

Hi ,Thank You for your prompt reply.

Since we are binding it as JSON object, all the values will be bound as string.

Also,I had this doubt as well, so in the render of the column, I return the celldata as parsefloat(ui.celldata) and it still worked incorrectly.

Further, I have one more query. The same logic works fine for Integer and Date, where there is no explicit conversion of values and everything is bindided as JSON object.

Please advise.


I am using currently PRO Version of PQ grid. I have already gotten in touch with PQ -Grid team via mail, where-in the reply was to add "datatype:float". I have been using datatype:float in the column and initiating it when getting data,  "Getdata" function, as here we use Remote method and column bindings are dynamic. Other data types like Integer, Date works just fine except the float. Please help if there is something that's missing. Once column model is build, it is binding to grid, as below :

Grid.option("colModel", columnmodel);

This is how the obj is built :
                title: "PRICE",
                dataIndx: "price",
                editable: false,
//say if Price is in index 0,
        if (columnName == "PRICE") {
            columnmodel[0].dataType = 'float';

It gets sorted wrongly like this :

Kindly advise

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