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Messages - mgolowczynski

Pages: [1]
Help for ParamQuery Pro / Attach existing grid object to a div
« on: December 05, 2017, 02:53:25 pm »
I’m creating a grid in a div (using the constructor in the normal way), and I’m adding the grid object that the constructor returns to a container object, as my page contains a number of grids and I want to have easy access to all the grid objects, as follows:
var myGrid = pq.grid("#gridDivName”, obj);
gridContainerObject[gridId] = myGrid;
The div that I am creating the grid in is in a dialog (as per the grid in dialog example on the demos webpage).  When the dialog is closed I would like to keep the grid in memory so that I can show it in the dialog again later, therefore I am not destroying the grid when the dialog is closed (and not removing it from my container object).  How do I reattach the grid (using the grid object that I’ve stored in my container object) to the div again when I show the dialog again (i.e. I can’t use the same constructor again as I’m not creating a brand new grid)?

Thank you for your help.

Pages: [1]