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Messages - [email protected]

Pages: [1]
The save and load state is working fine for multiple grids, but the main issue is when we use the load state with the flex:{ one: true } for remote calls. How to approach using flex:{one : true}.

how to initiate the create function for flex:{one : true} for remote calls.

if flex is not used then everything is working fine. the column properties are displayed fine. The sorting, pagination, and filter (coulmn filter: { crules: [{ condition: 'contain' }] } ) is not working.

Themes css is not getting applied to the grids in the angular application. only default grid css of blue colour is showing irrespective of the change in the root css url.

saveState and loadstate using local storage of a single grid with local filtering and paginating is working fine.

When we are doing it for multiple grids across the application is not working.

How to create a dynamic id for different grids for fetching the local storage item.?

ParamQuery Pro Evaluation Support / Angular 8 HTTP interceptor
« on: April 01, 2020, 01:50:53 pm »

I am using Angular 8 with remote calls to database to fetch data.

I am unable to send http header while performing the remote calls. How do I send HTTP Headers.?

The requests sent, are not getting registered in the HTTP Interceptor to add custom header for doing remote database calls.

Thanks in advance.

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Jquery 3.x support
« on: May 03, 2019, 04:21:41 am »
Just wondering if support is planned for current versions of Jquery? Thanks.

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