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Messages - Arul

Pages: [1]
Sorry. I meant Programatically.

Can I Set the value, format and number format of a cell by specifying rowIndex and columnIndex or address like "B1"?

something like: grid("B1", { value: 2000, format: "text-align: right", numberFomat: "####.##" }).

Thank You.

It is not possible for us to modify the formatting in the client's excel files. Is there a way to set the value and number format for a cell. We intend to use like a spreadsheet rather than as a grid.


When we import the excel workbook using the pq.excel.importXl method, we are facing the below issues:

1. Format of the cell is appended to the cell text. i.e. "1.00" in excel with the number formatting of "0.00" gets imported as "0.001", whereas "1" with "General" format gets imported as "1".

2. We have cells with data validation list. During edit, these cells are not displaying as dropdown values (select), but are displayed as text.

I have attached the code used, excel file used and screenshot of the issues. Can you please assist us?

Pages: [1]