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Messages - akraines

Pages: [1] 2 3
Thanks - I noticed :-)
(I looked at the diff of the new version since if it wasn't done I would have had to re-add it)

Bug Report / Re: Export to Excel issues
« on: February 13, 2020, 10:50:06 pm »
1. Thanks
2. We specifically want the behaviour of collapsed. I believe the issue is simply with how I remove rows. I'm simply deleting rows where hidden = true. However I have a feeling that there are factors that effect the export, eg updating the mergedCells array so that the row numbers are in sync with the cell-ranges. Does that make sense?

Bug Report / Re: Export to Excel issues
« on: February 12, 2020, 10:29:03 pm »
1. How can I modify the format only when exporting to Excel? Is their a change I can make to the code itself to fix this exporting issue?
2. I removed that option and it still rendered the summary twice. I believe that the issue is caused because I'm deleting all hidden rows in the exported sheet (" sheet.rows = _.filter(sheet.rows,r=> !r.hidden);"). however I'm not familiar enough with the inner workings of exportExcel to solve this. Can you suggest a better method to not include hidden rows in the exported excel, that doesn't have this issue? I had a hunch that it has to do with merged cells, however I belive that I saw this issue even when exporting a sheet where sheet.mergedCells was undefined.


Bug Report / Export to Excel issues
« on: February 12, 2020, 07:36:34 pm »

We have an issue:
1. The data in the column is "-6.513158302558158" with a format string of "##%". The correct value of -7% appears in the grid. (just like the output of the function pq.formatNumber("-6.513158302558158","##%"))
However, when exporting to Excel, it changes the value to -651.315830255816%

2. Is there a way to not include hidden rows when exporting to excel? I tried
const $excludeHidden = $("#export_exclude_hidden");
             const excludeHidden = $":checked");
             if (excludeHidden) {
                 const {sheets:[sheet]} = w1;
                 if (sheet){
                     sheet.rows = _.filter(sheet.rows,r=> !r.hidden);
which worked pretty well, except that it shows the summary (for aggregate columns) both at the top and at the bottom of the group. Eg (I put the duplicate summaries in bold) - I want the summary to only appear at the bottom of the group when the group is expanded, the same way it appears in the grid.:
Healthcare (1)                  $.00   $.00   $76.00   -$76.00   %
   ABC   26110   MCV   abcdefg      $.00   $.00   $76.00   -$76.00   %
                  $.00   $.00   $76.00   -$76.00   %
Institutions (1)                  $.00   $.00   $164.67   -$164.67   %
   XYZ   27071   MCV   xyzwx      $.00   $.00   $164.67   -$164.67   %
                  $.00   $.00   $164.67   -$164.67   %

I found someone else with the same issue on stackoverflow:

and I see an answer:

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: Format summary row better
« on: January 08, 2020, 12:14:28 am »
Thanks. i ended up using the pq_grandsummary in the render function and it worked beautifully

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Format summary row better
« on: January 07, 2020, 03:23:33 am »
How can I format the grand total row to look like the excel screenshot. (both for web view and for printing)?

Thanks - that is much better - it will work for all forms of export - so I don't need to special case xslx.

In the meantime I used the following approach:
//Remove all html tags from exported data. (can be tweaked to only act on html columns)
.map(w1.sheets, s =>, r=>, c=> _.isString(c.value) ? c.value = c.value.replace(/<[^>]*>/g,"") : "")));

Suggest new features / Re: Merge single-groups
« on: December 19, 2019, 07:08:08 pm »
Can you please post the diff for this feature so that I can update my copy of the code and don't have to wait for the next release? I sounded like it was a quick fix.

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Export to Excel doesnt convert html cells to text
« on: December 19, 2019, 06:47:07 pm »
I have a column with dataType = 'html', and the cells contain html, I'd like to control the export to excel option to strip out the html. How can this be done?


There is a small bug in the export to html code: It doesn't wrap header columns in <thead></thead>. This means that if you try print the table and it is a few pages long, it will not repeat the columns headers on each printed page. If you simply wrap the header with <thead></thead> and the body with <tbody></tbody> then it works as expected.
The correct table structure should look something like this:

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Can't download latest version of pqgrid
« on: December 17, 2019, 01:23:56 am »
The download link on the downloads page didn't work.

Suggest new features / Re: Merge single-groups
« on: November 26, 2019, 07:29:45 pm »
Thanks for the quick response. I was looking into implementing it using pq_hidden, but then I realised that summary rows are not included in

Can you post the patch here so I can modify my version of the library? (since we have an "Ultimate" subscription)

Suggest new features / Re: Merge single-groups
« on: November 25, 2019, 11:11:21 pm »
How long does it take / what is the process for a feature request to be come reality? (Assuming that it is planned)

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