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Messages - CharlestonGeek

Pages: [1]
Any confirmation or help?

The filter header range option/selecting is broken when rows are grouped.

When you add the filter range to the column it DOES NOT work. Only in the menuIcon.

Code: [Select]
    $(function () {
        var colM = [
            { title: "ShipCountry", width: 120, dataIndx: "ShipCountry", filter: { crules: [{ condition: 'range' }], gridOptions: { numberCell: {show: false} } } },
            { title: "Customer Name", width: 130, dataIndx: "ContactName", filter: { crules: [{ condition: 'range' }], gridOptions: { numberCell: {show: false} } } },
            { title: "Freight", width: 120, format: '$##,###.00',
                summary: {
                    type: "sum"
                dataType: "float", dataIndx: "Freight", filter: { crules: [{ condition: 'range' }], gridOptions: { numberCell: {show: false} } }
            { title: "Shipping Via", width: 130, dataIndx: "ShipVia", filter: { crules: [{ condition: 'range' }], gridOptions: { numberCell: {show: false} } } },
    { title: "Shipped Date", width: 100, dataIndx: "ShippedDate", dataType: "date", format: 'yy-mm-dd', filter: { crules: [{ condition: 'range' }], gridOptions: { numberCell: {show: false} } } },
            //{ title: "Shipping Address", width: 220, dataIndx: "ShipAddress" },
            { title: "Shipping City", width: 130, dataIndx: "ShipCity", filter: { crules: [{ condition: 'range' }], gridOptions: { numberCell: {show: false} } } }
        var dataModel = {
            location: "remote",
            dataType: "JSON",
            method: "GET",
            url: "/Content/orders.json"
            //url: "/pro/orders/get",//for ASP.NET
            //url: "orders.php",//for PHP
        var groupModel = {
            on: true,
            dataIndx: ['ShipCountry'],
            collapsed: [false],
            title: [
                "{0} ({1})",
                "{0} - {1}"
        var obj = {
            height: 500,
            toolbar: {
                items: [{
                    type: 'checkbox',
                    label: 'zip',
                    attr: 'id="export_zip"'
                    type: 'select',
                    label: 'Format: ',               
                    attr: 'id="export_format"',
                    options: [{ xlsx: 'Excel', csv: 'Csv', htm: 'Html', json: 'Json'}]
                    type: 'button',
                    label: "Export",
                    icon: 'ui-icon-arrowthickstop-1-s',
                    listener: function () {
                            url: "/pro/demos/exportData",
                            format: $("#export_format").val(),
                            zip: $("#export_zip").prop("checked"),
                            nopqdata: true, //applicable for JSON export.
                            render: true
            dataModel: dataModel,
filterModel: { mode: "AND", header: true },
            scrollModel: { autoFit: true },
            colModel: colM,
            numberCell: { show: false },
            menuIcon: true,
            selectionModel: { type: 'cell' },
            groupModel: groupModel,           
            showTitle: false,
            resizable: true,           
            hwrap: false,
            wrap: false
        var grid = pq.grid("#grid_export", obj);


I understand why the grouped column can't be filtered by null.

I am looking for documentation on how to prevent the range filter on a grouped column from allowing a null selection in the first place.

Something like:
Code: [Select]
minCheck = 1;
OR when null keep the range selection open until something is selected

On the attached image, Year is grouped. If you attempt to filter to 1 year, you might click deselect all. Which results in null and the following error.

Here is the error.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'refresh')
    at $.refresh (pqgrid.min.js:9:58950)
    at a.paramquery.cCheckBoxColumn.checkNodes (pqgrid.min.js:9:115422)
    at a.paramquery.cCheckBoxColumn.checkAll (pqgrid.min.js:9:114803)
    at a.paramquery.cCheckBoxColumn.onHeaderChange (pqgrid.min.js:9:8598)
    at HTMLInputElement.<anonymous> (pqgrid.min.js:9:9121)
    at HTMLInputElement.dispatch (3.6.1.min.js:2:43064)
    at y.handle (3.6.1.min.js:2:41048)
$.refresh @ pqgrid.min.js:9
checkNodes @ pqgrid.min.js:9
checkAll @ pqgrid.min.js:9
onHeaderChange @ pqgrid.min.js:9
(anonymous) @ pqgrid.min.js:9
dispatch @ 3.6.1.min.js:2
y.handle @ 3.6.1.min.js:2
Show 5 more frames

Running jQuery 3.6.1, jQuery UI 1.13.2 and pq 8.6.0

We are seeing this issue with columns where the width is set to a percent %.

We tested with version 7.1.0 and 8.2.1.

Please remove bug. NOT A PARAMQUERY issue. Was unable to reproduce in jsfiddle.
Had our SharePoint Farm admins perform a timer job reset. Fixed this issue.

Thank you.

When enabling filter on a grid; ever click after causes the following error to occur. (8.2.1)

Uncaught TypeError: c.startsWith is not a function
    at Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager._matchesParentIDInList (ScriptResource.axd?d=VggL8IqD2oUq_-GYkmO_R9dObbSL_QoYeWT6bwvz1LeT7lc5XkXMIo9kSe-9K8C0Lc80SFUmjmJu-IhD3PjyxUMOU72Ztm2a8k9Ll0ZhV3FdBhYvJDQWIJ3h8vAVJsFleHZGgnYS1EnqPg-hwqj0WwblJiOhMrkGMlBYDtNfL0t_uBRJ5GO2HOuIUjR4YXTV0&t=2fe674eb:5)
    at Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager._getPostBackSettings (ScriptResource.axd?d=VggL8IqD2oUq_-GYkmO_R9dObbSL_QoYeWT6bwvz1LeT7lc5XkXMIo9kSe-9K8C0Lc80SFUmjmJu-IhD3PjyxUMOU72Ztm2a8k9Ll0ZhV3FdBhYvJDQWIJ3h8vAVJsFleHZGgnYS1EnqPg-hwqj0WwblJiOhMrkGMlBYDtNfL0t_uBRJ5GO2HOuIUjR4YXTV0&t=2fe674eb:5)
    at Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager._onFormElementActive (ScriptResource.axd?d=VggL8IqD2oUq_-GYkmO_R9dObbSL_QoYeWT6bwvz1LeT7lc5XkXMIo9kSe-9K8C0Lc80SFUmjmJu-IhD3PjyxUMOU72Ztm2a8k9Ll0ZhV3FdBhYvJDQWIJ3h8vAVJsFleHZGgnYS1EnqPg-hwqj0WwblJiOhMrkGMlBYDtNfL0t_uBRJ5GO2HOuIUjR4YXTV0&t=2fe674eb:5)
    at Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager._onFormElementClick (ScriptResource.axd?d=VggL8IqD2oUq_-GYkmO_R9dObbSL_QoYeWT6bwvz1LeT7lc5XkXMIo9kSe-9K8C0Lc80SFUmjmJu-IhD3PjyxUMOU72Ztm2a8k9Ll0ZhV3FdBhYvJDQWIJ3h8vAVJsFleHZGgnYS1EnqPg-hwqj0WwblJiOhMrkGMlBYDtNfL0t_uBRJ5GO2HOuIUjR4YXTV0&t=2fe674eb:5)
    at HTMLFormElement.<anonymous> (ScriptResource.axd?d=pAzUsve1uGiVFU2T6nUtUtuNPXHefIi_aPMUvB3mjc3TvmQYwWp9DQNcaPTWS9CDovg1AtEeB6m-b56sjdgBo5P-MRgj_FAOHm7q50vdS0FxIgEK521X0faGjSdTPf26XkqYWl34xjJyeYWCuEBSX1DT6ARbKT1aDYxKxETnMROmtMGm8iKueAhSdOLYnywH0&t=2fe674eb:5)
    at HTMLFormElement.b (ScriptResource.axd?d=pAzUsve1uGiVFU2T6nUtUtuNPXHefIi_aPMUvB3mjc3TvmQYwWp9DQNcaPTWS9CDovg1AtEeB6m-b56sjdgBo5P-MRgj_FAOHm7q50vdS0FxIgEK521X0faGjSdTPf26XkqYWl34xjJyeYWCuEBSX1DT6ARbKT1aDYxKxETnMROmtMGm8iKueAhSdOLYnywH0&t=2fe674eb:5)

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Export Header Cell Styling
« on: October 01, 2020, 11:53:23 am »
Working with version 7.5.0...
How can I export to excel the 'background-color' set in styleHead on the colModel?

Code: [Select]
{ title: "Source", dataIndx: "Source", styleHead: { 'background-color': '#ffffff' } },
{ title: "Source", dataIndx: "Source", styleHead: { 'background-color':'#007cb0' } },

however they export into excel with grey background color (bgColor).
Thank you for your assistance.

So we like rendering hyperlinks into our GRIDS
however when we export the grids to Excel the "<a href..." is just text in a cell. So then we use renderExport: false.
However, it would be nice to have clickable links in the Excel export.

So i tried to use the Excel formula HYPERLINK however that is sent as text to Excel, it would be nice if anchor tags "<a></a>" would be converted to a link in Excel and or support for HYPERLINK was added.

Thank you for your time and consideration of this feature.
Please feel free to contact me for further details and or use cases and or testing.

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