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Messages - j.jose

Pages: [1]
ParamQuery Pro Evaluation Support / Aggregate of selected rows
« on: October 06, 2021, 07:54:46 pm »
Hallo Support-Team,

Is there any workaround/option to add only the values in a column of selected rows?

There are some rows that are already grouped and the SUM(Expenses) is shown as aggregate.
From this, the user selects / clicks on two rows only and would like to see the  SUM(Expenses) of these two rows only.
Would this be possible?

Please guide me to an example where this option is implemented.

Thanking you in advance!

Best regards,

ParamQuery Pro Evaluation Support / MenuIcon is not displayed correctly
« on: September 21, 2021, 03:25:01 pm »
Hallo Support Team,

we have xx the paramquery grid on our application and currently we are facing an issue where the menuIcon is not being displayed as desired.
On our application, the menuIcon is displayed as in the image.

The dom structure of the HTML-page is also attached in the image.

Please advice if there is a workaround for the problem or if we can configure the settings.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

ParamQuery Pro Evaluation Support / Re: Save state of the grid
« on: September 01, 2021, 05:15:36 pm »

Thank you for the reply.
Could you please advise how the state can be saved without the buttons?
That is every time an event is triggered, the state of the grid should be saved.

Please inform me how this can be implemented.

Thanking you in advance!

Best regards,

ParamQuery Pro Evaluation Support / Save state of the grid
« on: August 30, 2021, 07:00:59 pm »
Hello Support Team,

Is there a functionality where the state of the grid is saved and can be reloaded later.

For instance, our use case is as follows:
User A has made some columns hidden in his grid by clicking on the 'menuIcon' and modified the order of the columns by drag-and-drop function.
When he opens the grid later, is it possible to reload the last grid state again ( for example: by loading the state as a JSON file in the cookies )?

Please advise if this function already exists and if there is an example to refer to.

If not, is there a possibility to have it in the future releases?

Thanking you in advance!

Best regards,


Is it possible to consider the format of the column while groupping.

For example: I have a date column for which the format is set as 'yy'.
If this date column is selected for grouping, then the format of 'yy' is not considered and instead the original values of the column are considered.

Is it possible to include a functionality so that the groupping is done based on the user-entered format.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Suggest new features / Feature : Highlighting option
« on: August 30, 2021, 06:52:04 pm »
Is there a possibility to have the user-specific highlighting / coloring option?
The requirement is that the user can decide if he wants the row to be highlighted / colored / styled based on some criteria… Is there a possibility that the user can do it in the front-end without much code?


Please advice if its possible to add a formula definition for a dynamic column. I had a look at the example here:

Its possible to add new columns, but how can we define whats to be displayed as values.

For example, I have the data for two years in two columns and in a dynamic column, I would like to see the sum of the two years values.

Could you please guide me to an example of this sort.

Thanking you in advance!

Best regards,

ParamQuery Pro Evaluation Support / Pivot Table
« on: July 29, 2021, 04:18:47 pm »
we are interested in the product and would like to enquire about the Pivot Options
1. Is it possible to highlight rows with custom styles in a pivot (like example here: - Section: "Conditional styles for Grid")
2. Can dynamic columns with custom formulas be added in a pivot.
For example: I have a summary of profits for different years for various customers. I would like to have the difference of year1 and year2 in another column.
Is this feature possible?

It would be great if you could guide me to an example with this functionalities.

Thanking you in advance!

Pages: [1]