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Messages - moppo

Pages: [1]
ok. Thanks for your help

ok thanks. Are these features avalilable only on pro version ?

i have a select column created using  type: 'select' on 'colModel'. The select colum is 'binded' to another hidden colum using 'mapIndices' like in the documentation examples.

The problem is that when i use copy/paste to copy a select value between different rows, only the string value is copied to the cell, but the hidden column 'binded' to the select is not updated automatically with the copied value. The same happens with the autofill.

You can see the problem for the autofill in the online demo 'Late binding of Select lists': if i select a value in the 'shipping via' column and then try to copy the value / autofill the value on another row, the string value is copied to the cell, but the underlying select value is not filled.

is this a bug or there is a way to handle this situation?

Pages: [1]