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Messages - MichalV

Pages: [1]
Bug Report / Re: New row comit and pq_detail column
« on: March 25, 2025, 11:38:55 pm »
Ahh my apologies, I added the dataIndx: "pq_detail" by myself to the column of type: 'detail' so can hide it before the commit. Anyway if the detail column exists the commit does not work. If I remove it from the grid the commit works. Any idea how to fix that?

Bug Report / Re: New row comit and pq_detail column
« on: March 25, 2025, 11:10:49 pm »
Yes, when I remove the pq_detail column (column with type: "detail") the commit works well after adding new row.

Bug Report / Re: New row comit and pq_detail column
« on: March 25, 2025, 03:18:03 pm »
Because my grid uses Row details with tabs, based on your demo in "Nesting / Row details"

Bug Report / New row comit and pq_detail column
« on: March 03, 2025, 08:58:19 pm »
Hi Paramvir,

After the data saving the "add" commit fails if the grid includes pq_detail column (recIndx remains empty)
As a workaround I use the following code before the comit:

Code: [Select]
grid.Columns().find(function (column) {
    if (column.dataIndx == "pq_detail") {
        grid.Columns().hide({ diHide: ["pq_detail"] });

And the following after the commit:

Code: [Select]
grid.Columns().find(function (column) {
    if (column.dataIndx == "pq_detail") {
       grid.Columns().hide({ diShow: ["pq_detail"] });

Is it possible to fix it in the next release? E.g. skip the pq_detail column in the grid.commit function?
Thanks in advance for you help!

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: How to remove column dragging from history
« on: February 17, 2025, 09:56:35 pm »
It works well! Many thanks for your help!

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: How to remove column dragging from history
« on: February 17, 2025, 03:00:01 pm »
Thanks for your reply. Any workaround how to activate the Save button (in batch edit mode) just if the grid is really dirty?
I've tried history event with isDirty(), but it runs before the grid gets dirty.

Help for ParamQuery Pro / How to remove column dragging from history
« on: February 15, 2025, 10:34:24 pm »
Hi Paramvir,
Is there an option to remove column reordering from history? So the save/undo/redo buttons are not activated upon column reordering?

Bug Report / Filter menu display bug in 10.1.0
« on: December 29, 2024, 06:36:12 pm »
Hi Paramvir,

There is a small bug in displaying the filter menu where the close "X" button is displayed on the left side of the menu
You can check that using Local filtering demo and clicking on 3 dots.
Please help to fix that.

Thanks in advance!

Bug Report / Re: Bug in 10.0.0 autocomplete not filtering
« on: October 29, 2024, 01:41:41 am »
Nice job.. That fixed all the issues!
Many thanks for your quick support  :)

Bug Report / Re: Bug in 10.0.0 autocomplete not filtering
« on: October 26, 2024, 03:52:45 pm »
It helps with the filtering, however now it starts the filtering even on the start of the autocomplete editor, so the dropdown does not show other options.
You can compare it with the demo 9.1.1. where the editor always shows all options when it starts. Thanks.

Bug Report / Bug in 10.0.0 autocomplete not filtering
« on: October 25, 2024, 07:55:19 pm »
Hi Paramvir
First of all thanks much for all your great work!

I have found out the autocomplete dropdowns do not filter data based on the cells text in version 10.0.0
You can see the issue in the 10.x demo pages "Inline editing->Editors & validations" e.g. the Ship Country column
In 9.x autocomplete works well.
Please could you help?

Pages: [1]