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Messages - necatiozbek

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Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: Struts 2 jQuery tabs and paramquery issue
« on: September 17, 2024, 07:53:25 pm »
Maybe it can give you an idea. I had a similar problem with Bootstrap Modal. After showing the modal (onshow event), I defined the grid and loaded the data. The problem was solved.


Can you show me how to freeze the first and last row in the grid as example code?

and how should I ensure it is not affected by the rankings?

Similar to the topic here >  and your answer >

I have special two row. (Id=-1000000  and  Id=  1000000)
These rows appear as the first and last rows when the grid is loaded with two date ranges. and includes previous and subsequent carryover amounts.

I want to do this. If there are Id=-10000 or Id= 10000 rows, do not include them in the sorting.
Keep the line Id=-10000 as the first line, if there is a line Id=10000, leave it as the last line.

Because depending on the user's preference, one or two or none of these lines may be included in the incoming data.

Is it possible ?


Help for ParamQuery Pro / Row Height Wrapping Canceling
« on: August 23, 2024, 02:07:32 pm »
I have a cell that contains very long text. Even though the wrapping is false in my object, the cell height increases.
How do I set a height that cuts the text inside

I want normal cell height that Cuts Text

var grid_chnotlari_obj = {
                    width: "auto",
                    height: "200",
                    showHeader: true,
                    selectionModel: { type: 'row', mode: 'block' },
                    wrap: false,
                    scrollModel: { autoFit: true },
                    collapsed: false,
                    colModel: [
                            dataIndx: "CREDATE", title: "Not.Tarihi", dataType: "date", format: '',
                            width: "10%",
                            title: "Not Başlık", dataIndx: "NOT_BASLIK"
                            title: "Not", dataIndx: "NOT_ACIKLAMA"

                            title: "Oluşturan", dataIndx: "CREUSER", width: 500, editable: false,
                            width: "10%",
                    dataModel: {
                        data: []


My Database incoming date value is as follows : '07.06.2023 14:35' > day.month.year

In ColModel, I format the date field as dataIndx: "ISLEM_TARIHI", dataType: "date", format: '',  or format: '',

For example, if the incoming data is 07.06.2023, the date shown in the grid is 06.07.2023.( first attached picture) -day and month change places

If I don't format the Date field in colModel the view is correct  > dataIndx: "ISLEM_TARIHI", dataType: "date" > result second picture


I want to unconditionally change the font size of certain columns,
I can achieve this with the Grid.colModel[1].render function.
If this could be done in ColModel, there would be no need to write an extra render function.

var colModel= [
                            dataIndx: "FATURA",title: "Fatura"
                             'font-style':'italic',         //>  working
                             'font-family':'Verdana',  //>  working
                             'text-align':'center',      //>  working
                             'color':'blue',                //>  working
                             'font-size':'8px'             //>  not working

 obj_grid.colModel[5].render= function (ui)

Can we use dataIndx-fieldname instead of index number
instead of Wouldn't it be nice if we could use. Because even if we change the model location, we do not have to make any changes in the function.

 obj_grid.colModel['fieldname'].render= function (ui)

My object does not have a setting for the selection box to appear in the summary area

Also I don't know how to use SummaryTitle. I couldn't do it.

I'm trying other options for aggregation (Custom summary), but the summary field gets corrupted when I group the columns.

MycolModel: [

           // This field is actually an integer field, consisting of 1 and 0. I turned the integer field into a selection box.

            title: "İstisnalı",
            dataIndx: "ISTISNA_FATURA", dataType: "integer", align: "center",
            width: 70,
             editor: false,
             editable: false,
                     type: 'checkbox',
                       cb: {
                                        all: false,
                                        header: true,
                                        check: 1,
                                        uncheck: 0
                             render: function (ui) {
                                 var cb = ui.column.cb,
                                       cellData = ui.cellData,
                                       checked = cb.check === cellData ? 'checked' : '',
                                       disabled = this.isEditableCell(ui) ? "" : "disabled",
                                       text = cb.check === cellData ? '1' : (cb.uncheck === cellData ? '0' : '<i>bilinmez</i>');
                                    return {
                                                text: "<label><input type='checkbox' " + checked + " /></label>",
                      These are the columns I calculated total
                                    title: "Ft Genel Toplam", dataIndx: "FT_GENEL_TOPLAM", dataType: "float", format: '##,###.00',
                                    summary: {
                                        type: "sum"
                                    title: "Tevkifatlı KDV Toplam", dataIndx: "TEVKIFATLI_KDV_TOPLAMI", dataType: "float", format: '##,###.00',
                                    summary: { type: "sum" },

var obj_my_grid = {
showTitle: false,
editable: false,
resizable: true,
//This is the only place in the object related to the total
groupModel:  {
                            on: true,
                            dataIndx: [],
                            collapsed: [true, true],
                            merge: false, 
                            showSummary: [true, false],
                            grandSummary: true, 
var grid_invoice_List=  pq.grid("#grid_filter", obj_my_grid);

I am using the AutoSum function. but at the bottom there is the word "sum" in the grandSummary field. Can we change this "Toplamlar" expression?

There is also a checkbox in the grandsummary field that shouldn't be there.

Please review the attached image.



Why do we have to create a different object each time? Can't we use the grid object we first created? Can't we add new data and refresh the view?
How will this happen for a popUp grid that opens multiple times, many times, from different methods?

Please review the project below.

My Project Angular js file:

(function ()
        .module("Keyiflice", [])
        .controller("FaturalarController", ['$scope', '$http', '$cookies', '$filter', '$window', '
            function ($scope, $http, $cookies, $filter, $window) {

          var vm = this;

          var pg_gridobj = {
                        width: "auto",
                        height: 200,           
                        scrollModel: { autoFit: true },
                        menuIcon: true,
                        strNoRows: 'Kayıt Bulunamadı',
                        location: 'local',
                        editable: false,
                        title: "Faturalar",
                        scrollModel: { autoFit: true },
                        selectionModel: { type: 'row', mode: 'block' },

                        colModel: [ { title: "İşlTipi", dataIndx: "ISLEM_TIPI"}] ,

                        //calculate summary upon these 2 events.
                        dataReady: calculateSummary,
                        change: calculateSummary,
                        summaryData: calculateSummary,
                        dataModel: { data:[] }                    // At the beginning, I open the grid data empty.

             var gridfatura_1 = pq.grid("#grid_array", pg_gridobj );  // <   While the page is loading, initially, I created a grid object here

             // My other function in the project


                  gridfatura_1.refreshDataAndView();           // <   Even though it is the grid I created at the beginning, the code does not give an error, but the data is not visible. not refresh

                 // but below code works and data is seen in grid

                  var gridfatura_2=$("#grid_array");



               var gridfatura_3 ... < Will we always create another object?         


               var gridfatura_3 ??? < Will we always create another object?             


Thank you paramvir,

"All the API of grid can be called from outside by replacing "this" by grid, where grid is js instance of grid."   >>  This information is very valuable to me

Dear Paramvir,

I've exhausted you, but I need some more help with these Check Id's.
I need two functions that can be triggered from outside

listener: function () {
    var checked = this.Checkbox('idnote').getCheckedNodes().map(rd => rd.idnote );

Can we call this function from outside?

Again, as I mentioned in my previous article, is there a function that I can call from outside to clear the checked checkboxes?

Thank you.


I did what you said, I've done it before.
But unfortunately it doesn't work. It doesn't even get into the rendering area console.log("creating a virtual column")  :'(

Can there be other dependencies for this process?

Thank you it works now

Is there a function or method where I can clear the checked checkboxes after any action (after bind etc etc)?

No, even if I make a hidden column, it doesn't work.

I also want to give information to the user based on the value of a column via virtual column.

Why should I make a hidden column? user must see..

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