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Messages - focallure

Pages: [1]
Hello, the following attachment is a reproduction of the problem

node -v   18.16.1

Because the upload limit is 196kb, I cleared the paramquerypro folder in the project. You need to manually put paramquery V10.1.0 in before running the project.

Download dependencies:  npm install
Run the project:  npm run dev

vue3+vite5 Importing pqgrid-10.1.0 downloaded locally reports an error

Error content:
main.js:41 TypeError: e is not a function
at pqgrid.min.js:9:7908

1. I downloaded the 10.1.0 version of pqgird from the forum and put it in the lib folder under my vite project

2. I manually added "pqgrid": "file:libs/paramquerypro" in package.json-dependencies, and then npm install

3. Use in my vue component
<script setup>
import pq from "pqgrid";
import 'pqgrid/localize/pq-localize-zh.js';

import 'pqgrid/pqgrid.min.css'
import 'pqgrid/pqgrid.ui.min.css'
import 'pqgrid/themes/bootstrap/pqgrid.css'

The last version of 9 I downloaded using npm worked fine, but after purchasing the pro version, I couldn't use 10.1.0 downloaded from the forum.

Pages: [1]