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Topics - Jignesh

Pages: 1 [2]
Help for ParamQuery Pro / Show/hide column has display <span> tag
« on: December 27, 2019, 12:14:26 pm »
Hi Paramvir,

I have attached screenshot where I have detailed about issue. Please let me know how to remove/hide span tag.

Cherish Patel

Hi Paramvir,

Project file is bigger so I have sent attachment by wetransfer and sent mail by [email protected].

I have sent demo zip file for PQGrid Page by “Wetransfer”.

PQGrid demo Path Like: “/Test/Index”

Description: I have set 2 buttons for “Gird1” and “Grid2”.
       When Grid1 button click then Page refresh and set 4 columns with data.
       When Grid2 button click then Page refresh and set 3 columns with data.

Issue: How can I change columns in same page and same gird without page refresh ?

Please give me some solution for same and let me know if any query for demo project.

Thank you,
Cherish Patel

Help for ParamQuery Pro / checkbox not working properly
« on: November 26, 2019, 04:48:32 pm »
Hi Paramvir,

The checkbox is not working properly:
1) If data value has true then checkbox display correctly but when I un-check the checkbox then the value set as "false" string-like yellow color box.

2) If data has false then display "false" string as a blue color box.

Below my checkbox code: I have Parent-child grid (first child as skip checkbox)
                            title: datasetnames[k], menuInClose: true, sortable: false,
                            align: "center", colModel: [ {
                                title: "", width: "2%", sortable: false,                                                           
                                align: "center",
                                exportRender: false,
                                nodrag: true,
                                nodrop: true,
                                type: 'checkbox',
                                dataIndx: "skip_" + datasetnames[k],
                                dataType: 'bool',
                                cb: { all: true, header: false }                             
                                title: "Data", sortable: false,
                                width: "15%",
                                dataType: "string",
                                dataIndx: datasetnames[k],
                                cls: 'hideLeftborder',
                                nodrag: true,
                                nodrop: true,
                                filter: { crules: [{ condition: 'contain' }] }

3) Before first-second points, I have to use below code for render checkbox code Is working completely but adding a new column by context menu then render event not working and when saving button click then I have not got value in browser console tab as grid.getChanges({ format: "byVal" })

                            title: datasetnames[k], menuInClose: true, sortable: false,
                            align: "center", colModel: [ {
                                title: "", width: "2%", sortable: false,                             
                                render: function (ui) {
                                    var rowData = ui.rowData,
                                        dataIndx = ui.dataIndx;
                                    ldataIndx = datasetnames[k];

                                    rowData.pq_cellcls = rowData.pq_cellcls || {};
                                    if (rowData[dataIndx] == true) {
                                        rowData.pq_cellcls[dataIndx] = 'grey';
                                        rowData.pq_cellcls[dataIndx.split("skip_")[1]] = 'grey';
                                        return "<input type='checkbox' " + (ui.cellData ? "checked='checked'" : "") + " />";
                                    else {
                                        rowData.pq_cellcls[dataIndx] = '';
                                        rowData.pq_cellcls[dataIndx.split("skip_")[1]] = '';
                                        return "<input type='checkbox' " + (ui.cellData ? "checked='checked'" : "") + " />";
                                align: "center",
                                exportRender: false,
                                nodrag: true,
                                nodrop: true,
                                type: 'checkbox',
                                dataIndx: "skip_" + datasetnames[k],
                                dataType: 'bool',
                                cb: { all: true, header: false }                             
                                title: "Data", sortable: false,
                                width: "15%",
                                dataType: "string",
                                dataIndx: datasetnames[k],
                                cls: 'hideLeftborder',
                                nodrag: true,
                                nodrop: true,
                                filter: { crules: [{ condition: 'contain' }] }

Thank you,

Suggest new features / Sub button open on Setting button
« on: November 25, 2019, 06:54:31 pm »
Hi Paramvir,

I want to add all left buttons on the Sigle button as "Setting".

If I click on the "Setting" button then open a list of buttons and then perform all events.

Thank you,

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Show/Hide column functonality
« on: November 21, 2019, 05:24:16 pm »

How can I  change column title name 7 : "New Column" and ( 8: , 9: ) hide in the dropdown

I have attached a screenshot for that.

Thank you,


I have 1000 rows with 300 columns of data. So Jquery PQGrid vs Angular PQGrid which one better for speed and all functionality of PQGrid.

Thank you,

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Context header for add/delete columns
« on: November 20, 2019, 08:08:27 pm »

I have a problem for add/delete columns on context header.

 I have set context-click event but not understand how to add/delete columns as
                title: "Data", align: "center", colModel: [
                        title: "", width: 50, dataType: "bool", menuInDisable: true,                     
                        render: function (ui) {
                            var rowData = ui.rowData,
                                dataIndx = ui.dataIndx;
                                ldataIndx = 6;

                            rowData.pq_cellcls = rowData.pq_cellcls || {};
                            if (rowData["Skip"] == true) {
                                rowData.pq_cellcls[dataIndx] = 'grey';
                                rowData.pq_cellcls[ldataIndx] = 'grey';
                                return "<input type='checkbox' " + (ui.cellData ? "checked='checked'" : "") + " />";
                            else {
                                rowData.pq_cellcls[dataIndx] = '';
                                rowData.pq_cellcls[ldataIndx] = '';
                                return "<input type='checkbox' " + (ui.cellData ? "checked='checked'" : "") + " />";
                        align: "center", dataIndx: "Skip", exportRender: false, editor: false, type: 'checkbox', cls: 'hideRightborder'
                    { title: "Opics Test", width: 170, dataType: "string", cls: 'hideLeftborder', filter: { crules: [{ condition: 'contain' }] } }]

formate with blank data.

Please give me some links or  some possible way to achieve add/delete columns like MS Excel.

Thank you,

1) Add/Delete new columns by right click of header column like MS Excel.
2) Header title editable like cell change value.
3) Can I highlight cell,row and column which have changed before save?

This is our base requirement of project.

Please update as soon as possible so it's helpful for buy PQGrid Delux licence.

Thank you,

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