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Bug Report / Re: Bug in 10.0.0 autocomplete not filtering
« Last post by paramvir on October 28, 2024, 06:39:52 pm »
ok, the below update fixes it.

Code: [Select]
.one('focus', function () {
     //open the autocomplete upon focus
     $(this).autocomplete("search", "");

Please recheck.
It's due to a Chrome bug when the keyboard pops up the screen resizes a few times

When you select the column filter, the screen resizes and if the grid is getting refreshed on a resize, the header is re-drawn and the focused input is then unfocused, and as a new column header is then created, it obviously doesn't have the focus.

Solutions could be to put the grid in a div and make grid width and height 100% of the parent, then when the screen resizes, resize the div, not the grid.
Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: Override "showLoading"
« Last post by jplevene on October 26, 2024, 06:17:51 pm »
I modified the functions slightly due to a "bug"

Code: [Select]
(function($) {
var fn = $.paramquery._pqGrid.prototype;
fn.showLoading = function() {
//console.log("showLoading", this);
this.loading = true;
fn.hideLoading = function() {
this.loading = false;

If the grid is hidden and the screen size changes, for some reason "showLoading" was getting called, so I had to add the "if" statement.
Bug Report / Re: Bug in 10.0.0 autocomplete not filtering
« Last post by MichalV on October 26, 2024, 03:52:45 pm »
It helps with the filtering, however now it starts the filtering even on the start of the autocomplete editor, so the dropdown does not show other options.
You can compare it with the demo 9.1.1. where the editor always shows all options when it starts. Thanks.
Bug Report / Re: Bug in 10.0.0 autocomplete not filtering
« Last post by paramvir on October 26, 2024, 11:15:09 am »
Thanks for reporting the issue with autocomplete editor.

Fix lies in updating autoCompleteEditor

Code: [Select]
//open the autocomplete upon focus
$(this).autocomplete("search", ui.$editor.val());

Demo works fine after the fix.
Help for ParamQuery Pro / Override "showLoading"
« Last post by jplevene on October 26, 2024, 12:00:14 am »
I want to override showLoading and hideLoading for all pqGrids that I define after I call below.  Is the following correct?

Code: [Select]
var fn = $.paramquery._pqGrid.prototype;
fn.showLoading = function() {
this.loading = true;
fn.hideLoading = function() {
this.loading = false;
Suggest new features / Quick and simple documentation request
« Last post by jplevene on October 25, 2024, 09:09:30 pm »
On the page (and probably all others), please can you change the top nav bar code to:

<nav class="navbar navbar-default" style="position:sticky;">

This enables me to jump to other pages (like demo pages) when I'm looking at documentation instead of having to scroll to the top every time.
Suggest new features / Customise the "showLoading"
« Last post by jplevene on October 25, 2024, 08:30:57 pm »
An option to customise the "Loading".

I would suggest being able to set classes, content and style, overriding the default or alternatively not having the default and calling our own function

For us we just want a specific spinning SVG that is a CSS class, wirth no words.  We also need to mask the entire page, not just the grid.

Also, if we could have a way of hiding the standard "Loading" and showing our own.  Sometimes while data is loading, we need to mask the entire page and do other things.  For this we would need a showLoader event and hideLoader event
Bug Report / Bug in 10.0.0 autocomplete not filtering
« Last post by MichalV on October 25, 2024, 07:55:19 pm »
Hi Paramvir
First of all thanks much for all your great work!

I have found out the autocomplete dropdowns do not filter data based on the cells text in version 10.0.0
You can see the issue in the 10.x demo pages "Inline editing->Editors & validations" e.g. the Ship Country column
In 9.x autocomplete works well.
Please could you help?
It's crules

Code: [Select]
crules: [
            condition: "range",
            value: ["Project1", "Project3"],
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