Author Topic: IE8: Horizonatal,Vertical Scrollbar, MaxScreen not working  (Read 3317 times)


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IE8: Horizonatal,Vertical Scrollbar, MaxScreen not working
« on: March 02, 2015, 10:48:17 pm »

I am using the Pro Evaluation version, created PQGrid. Noticed few features are not working in IE8,

1. Vertical Scroll bar is not aligned to the grid.
2. When we use the Horizontal,Vertical scroll bar  to scroll, cursor jumps up, leaving the scrollbar.
3. Max screen doesn't work.
4. Column borders doesn't display, eventhough I mentioned columnBorder:true while creating Grid.

All the above features works in FireFox and Chrome. Can you please advice, if you support IE8 ?

Also attached images for IE8 and Chrome.


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Re: IE8: Horizonatal,Vertical Scrollbar, MaxScreen not working
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2015, 03:09:49 pm »
IE 8 is supported browser. Please check the Pro demos in IE8.


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Re: IE8: Horizonatal,Vertical Scrollbar, MaxScreen not working
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2015, 03:12:17 am »
I figured out issue with IE8. Its because the Document Mode is set to 'Quirks' mode by default instead of 'IE8 Standards' mode in my application. After changing this document mode in 'Developer tools' (available by F12), I can see all the features listed above started working...

But I have to figure out to change the Document Mode only for one Screen in my app, as its effecting the fonts,colors etc in other screens.

By chance, if you know to change it for only grid, do let me know.
