Author Topic: local filter for multiple column  (Read 2053 times)


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local filter for multiple column
« on: April 26, 2016, 03:53:41 pm »
I need multiple filter for local on a button click not in header . so I write this code for single column on a button click and it is working
var f1=['4004','4003'];
$("#propertygrid").pqGrid( "filter", {
                            oper: 'replace',
                            data: [
                                  { dataIndx: 'ID', condition: 'range', value: f1 }
but when I want to apply this for multiple column then the following code is not working
var f2=['test4_address','Souvik_share_property'];
var f1=['4004','4003'];
$("#propertygrid").pqGrid( "filter", {
                            oper: 'replace',
             on: true,
                            mode : "OR",
                            data: [
                                { dataIndx: 'ID', condition: 'range', value: f1 },

                               { dataIndx: 'Address', condition: 'range', value: f2},

Please help me.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2016, 04:02:42 pm by biswajit »