I have made a custom aggregate function which accepts a 'typeList' e.g. [ "min", "max" ] to display both min and max in the summary. It can be used with "count", "min", "max", "avg" and "sum" and this works well with numeric fields but not with date fields.
I used your demo at
https://paramquery.com/pro/demos/group_rowsThis is the Javascript:
$(function () {
var agg = pq.aggregate;
agg.count1 = function(arr, col) {
return "Cnt: " + agg.count(arr, col);
function myAgg(arr, col, fnName) {
var ret = "";
var res = fnName.split("_");
for(var i=0; i<res.length; i++) {
txt = "";
if (i>0) {txt = "<BR>";}
var fn = res[i];
switch (fn) {
case "avg":
txt += "Avg: " + pq.formatNumber( agg.avg(arr, col), col.format);
case "max":
txt += "Max: " + pq.formatNumber( agg.max(arr, col), col.format);
case "min":
txt += "Min: " + pq.formatNumber( agg.min(arr, col), col.format);
case "sum":
txt += "Sum: " + pq.formatNumber( agg.sum(arr, col), col.format);
case "count":
txt += "Cnt: " + agg.count(arr, col);
ret += txt;
return ret;
function createAggFunc(typeTxt) {
var funcName = "Func_" + typeTxt;
window[funcName] = function f(arr, col) {
return myAgg(arr, col, typeTxt);
return window[funcName];
function fillOptions(grid) {
var column = grid.getColumn({ dataIndx: 'ShipCountry' });
column.filter.options = grid.getData({ dataIndx: ['ShipCountry'] });
column.filter.cache = null;
var colM = [
{ title: "ShipCountry", width: 120, dataIndx: "ShipCountry",
filter: {
type: 'select',
prepend: { '': 'All Countries' },
valueIndx: 'ShipCountry',
labelIndx: 'ShipCountry',
condition: 'equal',
listeners: ['change']
{ title: "Customer Name", width: 130, dataIndx: "ContactName" },
{ title: "Freight", width: 120, format: '$##,###.00',
summary: {
"typeList": ["count", "sum", "avg"]
dataType: "float", dataIndx: "Freight"
{ title: "Shipping Via", width: 130, dataIndx: "ShipVia" },
{ title: "Shipped Date", width: 100, dataIndx: "ShippedDate", dataType: "date", format: 'dd-M-yy',
"summary": {
"typeList": ["max", "min"]
{ title: "Shipping Address", width: 220, dataIndx: "ShipAddress" },
{ title: "Shipping City", width: 130, dataIndx: "ShipCity" }
var dataModel = {
location: "remote",
dataType: "JSON",
method: "GET",
url: "/Content/orders.json"
//url: "/pro/orders/get",//for ASP.NET
//url: "orders.php",//for PHP
var groupModel = {
on: true,
dataIndx: ['ShipCountry'],
collapsed: [true],
showSummary: [true],
grandSummary: true,
header: true,
title: [
"{0} ({1})",
"{0} - {1}"
var obj = {
height: 500,
toolbar: {
items: [{
type: 'button',
label: "Toggle grouping",
listener: function (evt) {
on: !grid.option('groupModel.on')
dataModel: dataModel,
scrollModel: { autoFit: true },
colModel: colM,
create: function () {
var CM = this.getColModel(),
opts = [];
for (var i = 0; i < CM.length; i++) {
var cData = CM[i];
if (cData.summary) {
var typeList = cData.summary.typeList;
if (typeList) {
cData.summary.edit = true;
var typeTxt = typeList.join("_");
cData.summary.type = typeTxt;
if (!agg[typeTxt]) {
func = createAggFunc(typeTxt);
agg[typeTxt] = func;
if (typeTxt == "count") {typeTxt = "count1";}
cData.summary.type = typeTxt;
if (cData.hidden !== true) {
complete: function( event, ui ) {
grid = this; //pq.grid(gridDiv);
numberCell: { show: false },
filterModel: { on: true, header: true, type: "local" },
selectionModel: { type: 'cell' },
groupModel: groupModel,
load: function (evt, ui) {
//options for ShipCountry filter.
showTitle: false,
resizable: true,
virtualX: true,
virtualY: true,
hwrap: false,
wrap: false
var grid = pq.grid("#grid_group_rows", obj);
If you notice I put the format of the date as 'dd-M-yy' and the output is dd-M-yy7 (the last digit of the year appears)
If I remove the format of the date column - then the max and min are numeric and not as dates anymore.
I used your function - pq.formatNumber( agg.max(arr, col), col.format)
I noticed the array arr are the formatted dates rather than the dates converted to numeric form to handle for max and min.
What can be done for this?